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Hiller gets it done with a full house

Hiller gets it done with a full house

Level 3: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)
Entries: 96/104

Average: 216,000

We saw a small pot being brewed at table number 3, where Sturla Hiller was putting Kevin Remelie to the test.

With around 30,000 in the middle, the board showed [4x][5x][4x] and with a [6x] on the turn it the straight possibilities became real. A [3x] on the river made it complete. Remelie opened up the betting process with 12,000 chips putting to the middle. Hiller however, had a plan and made it 35,000 to go. After a call the showdown appeared and Hiller had the goods with a flopped full house with his pocket 5s. His opponent called it off with A-high.

Sturla Hiller210,000
Kevin Remelie250,000