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Glanz’ Ladies Run Into Cowboys

Glanz’ Ladies Run Into Cowboys

Level 30: 200K/400K (400K)
Entries: 20/2,261

Amit Chazan opened for 1 million from the hijack before Johann Glanz jammed for 3 million from the cutoff. Armand Moratoglu four-bet shoved for about 8 million from the button and Chazan folded but not before showing he held ace-jack.

Johann Glanz: Q Q
Armand Moratoglu: K K

It was a good fold for Chazan. Unless, of course, you are results-oriented as he would have won the hand with a straight after the 8 9 A 7 10 runout. That being said, Moratoglu’s cowboys were good enough to eliminate Glanz in 22nd place. At around the same time, Maradona Abaz hit the rail to leave just 20 players remaining.

Armand Moratoglu – 13 million
Johann Glanz – 0
Maradona Abaz – 0