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Gaines Gains the Lead

Gaines Gains the Lead

Level 25: 20,000/40,000 (40,000)
Entries: 5/285

Victor Prior Fernandez Amat opened for a min-raise from the button with A 8 . Glen Gaines called with 9 5 and nailed trips on the 9 7 9 flop.

Gaines check-raised from 75,000 to 240,000 and Fernandez Amat called. The K turn gave Gaines the checkmark with his opponent drawing dead.

Fernandez Amat gave up on the hand after Gaines bet 250,000. Gaines took a small chip lead over Igor Pihela Sr. after winning the hand.

Glen Gaines – 2.5 million
Victor Prior Fernandez Amat – 935,000

Glen Gaines
Glen Gaines