Live Blog

Fun Around the Room

Fun Around the Room

Level 2: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 127/132

Several more players hit the rail including Joanna Bart for a second time. Bart is back in action for a third and final Day 1a bullet. Maybe the third time is a charm.

Players are visibly having fun enjoying chatting with their neighbors and sharing laughs. Some big laughter just erupted at Table 15 in a hand involving Caroline Schallock, Bart Servaes, and Rares Bodea.

Schallock opened the action from middle position for 600 and was called by both Savaes and Bodea. The 4 4 K flop was checked around before Schallock began to laugh after the K double-paired the board on the turn. Other players joined her with smiles and laughter before the action checked around again.

Smiles were still on all players after the 7 completed the board. The action checked around again and Schallock turned over Q 10 . This didn’t get the job done as Savaes subsequently showed 6 6 for a better two pair than was on the board and won the hand after Bodea mucked his cards.

Caroline Schallock – 50,000
Bart Savaes – 40,000
Rares Bodea – 40,000