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From One Penny to €11,000 for Lukas Boubel

From One Penny to €11,000 for Lukas Boubel

Lukas Boubel qualified into the partypoker MILLIONS Europe Main Event at partypoker for just $0.01. He was living the dream coming to Barcelona, but unfortunately for him, he just busted out in 18th place for €11,000 after his big slick ran into aces.

Boubel came to the Catalonian capital with his girlfriend and has been truly taking in the experience as someone that typically plays low stakes. He shared that although he is disappointed that he didn’t go deeper with what he described as two mistakes because he was tired, after a quick break he relished in the fact that this was his biggest poker tournament cash.

“I was so excited to be playing with those I watch on TV like Steve O’Dwyer,” said Boubel.

Hopefully, for Boubel, this is the start of something big for the player from Montenegro. We certainly hope to see him at more partypoker events, as in addition to his strong play, he also is very friendly.

Lukas Boublel
Lukas Boubel