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Flush for Stribrny

Flush for Stribrny

Level 30: 200K/400K (400K)
Entries: 16/2,261

Antonio Karman opened for 850,000 from middle position. Mr. Savu called from button as did Pavel Stribrny from the big blind.

Stribnry checked the 7 6 3 flop. Karman bet 800,000 and Mr. Savu folded. Stribrny jammed for 5.9 million and Karman called.

Pavel Stribrny: K 5
Antonio Karman: A 7

Karman was ahead with top pair after the 2 landed on the turn. However, the 10 spiked the river to improve Stribrny to a straight to stay alive and double his stack.

Pavel Stribrny – 15 million
Antonino Karman – 5 million