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Flataker Out of Chips After Running into Tamm’s Trips

Flataker Out of Chips After Running into Tamm’s Trips

Level 4: 100/200 (200)

Day 1b Entries: 128/141

Sturla Flataker and Kalle Mikkonen both checked with about 15,000 in the pot and the A 9 9 5 on the board after the turn before Taago Taam fired out for 4,200. Flataker called and Mikkonen folded.

Flataker checked after the 8 river completed the board. Taam bet 10,000, which was a little more than his opponent had left in his stack. Flataker went into the tank before he made the call. Taam showed 10 9 for trips and Flataker got up from the table before the dealer counted his chips. As it was an all-in showdown, the dealer did show that Flataker lost the hand with two pair holding A J .

Taago Taam – 40,000

Sturla Flataker – 0