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Erala Rivers a Straight with Snowmen

Erala Rivers a Straight with Snowmen

Level 5: 150/300 (300) – Day 1a Entries: 125/151

Kristo Erala
Kristo Erala

Kristo Erala opened for 700 from early position. Keimo Suominen three-bet to 1,900 from the big blind and Erala called.

Suominen fired out for 1,400 on the 5 7 6 flop and Erala called. Both players checked after the 7 turn paired the board before Suominen bet 3,600 on the 4 river. Erala tanked for a minute before he made the call. Suominen turned over K K but this wasn’t good enough to beat Erala who showed 8 8 for a rivered straight to win the hand.

Kristo Erala – 25,000

Keimo Suominen – 13,000