Live Blog

End of the Line for Poker Pro and Commentator George Sandford

End of the Line for Poker Pro and Commentator George Sandford

Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)
Entries: 23/2,261

It is safe to say that this reporter wasn’t exactly impartial as he was hoping that George Sandford would come out on top as he has known him for years as both a poker pro, a fellow poker commentator, and friend.

Unfortunately, Sandford just went out on the feature table which you can watch live in less than 30 minutes by clicking on our stream tab. Also hitting the rail was the short-stacked Vittori Londoni in 24th place.

Table 40 is breaking up. The first table redraw will take place when the action is down to 23 players.

George Sandford – 0
Vittori Londoni – 0