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Edler takes it down

Edler takes it down

Level 7: 2,500/5,000 (5,000)
Entries: 73/114

We currently are one level away of the end of the late registration of the PokerListings Championships. A decent turnout today we have to say, although it looked like it would become more busy today. As the 8-Game is popular over here, several players decided to play mixed games instead of No-Limit Hold’em.

We grabbed a hand of table number 3 where Daniel Edler added some chips to his stack after his opponent gave up on a flop of 4 8 6 . Pre-flop Edler had already 3-bet to 26,000, followed by a bet on the flop of the same size.

Daniel Edler280,000
William Bowley220,000