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Dutchman Van der Voorden needs to lay it down

Dutchman Van der Voorden needs to lay it down

Mark van der Voorden, one of the many Qualifiers of The Festival Series got his package secured by winning a satellite event at Unibet. We noticed him already a bit earlier in the tournament, but now we finally got a hand of him as well.

Jonas Kovacs opened the action from early position with a bet of 15,000 on blinds 3,000/6,000/ with ante 6,000. Van der Voorden is sitting right next to him and he made the call, so did the player in the big blind and 3 players saw the flop 4 7 3 . Kovacs continued for another 15,000, on which Van der Voorden 3-bet to 42,000. Kovacs wasn’t afraid and put in 100,000 chips as a 4-bet. The Dutchman didn’t throw in chips, but timebank cards instead before throwing his cards into the muck.

Mark van der Voorden