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Dimitru Enache story ended at 7th place (£ 1,200)

Dimitru Enache story ended at 7th place (£ 1,200)

Dimitru Enache managed to get a 7th place for 12x the buy-in. A nice payday but he would definitely be hoping to get more out of it. His last hand went as follow:

Dimitru Q J

JJ Hazan A K

It was up for the races, Dimitru had to find the light in the jar to be able to survive as he had thrown in his last 1,400,000 chips into the middle. Hazan woke up with the goods and was hoping to chip it up, which eventually happened.

The board gave a gutshot for Dimitru with 4 9 K . With three remaining tens in the game it was looking for the straight, but it wouldn’t be happening this time as the turn and river were the 9 and 2 to put Dimitru out on the 7th place.

JJ Hazan12,900,000
Dimitru EnacheBUSTED