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Coveney Goes For It, Gets Sniffed Out By McNamara

Coveney Goes For It, Gets Sniffed Out By McNamara

Ross Coveneyopened his BU to 40k (2bb) and Michael Molenaarsmooth-called in the small-blind.

Tomas McNamarawent for 3-bet in big-blind to 155k (7.75bb) and Coveney did not take long before piling it in for 789k effective (40bb).

McNamara tanked before flicking in a call, and found his nose to be on point as Coveney flipped out Q J and was in good shape with his A 10 .

K J 7 put Coveney ahead and had him in a massive spot to become chip-leader, but the A turn threw McNamara ahead and the river 2 brick put McNamara in with the big stacks.