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Corrado pot bets on the flop and takes it down

Corrado pot bets on the flop and takes it down

Nane Corrado just showed one of his tricks to us when he made a potsized bet on the flop, eventually showing an [8x].

Let’s go to the action:

Stephen Morgan opened up the action from early position for 25,000, on which Orlando Anderson from the cutoff made it 95,000 to go. In the big blind was Corrado and he decided to call with a healthy stack leaving behind. Morgan also decided to call and see the flop. With around 300,000 in the middle, three players went to the flop which showed A 8 5 .

Corrado pulled out a potsized bet and the others immediately put their cards in the muck. By showing an [8x] Corrado made some eyebrows raising up from the other players, followed by a disconcerting ”Nice Hand Sir”.

Nane Corrado – 920,000

Stephen Morgan – 430,000

Orlando Anderson – 300,000