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Big Slick for Petrov to Oust Balogh

Big Slick for Petrov to Oust Balogh

Level 8: 400/800 (800)
Entries: 172/269

Peter Balogh jammed for approximately 15,000 from early position over the under-the-gun open by Pal Nemeth. Veselin Petrov cold-called from one seat over and it was a heads-up showdown after Nemeth laid down his hand.

Peter Balogh: A 7
Veselin Petrov: A K

Both players improved to the same two pair after the 3 3 A Q J rolled out on the board. Petrov’s king-kicker got the job done and Balogh was on the rail, at least for now.

Veselin Petrov – 100,000
Peter Balogh – 0