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Alakorva Wasn’t Bluffing

Alakorva Wasn’t Bluffing

Level 3: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 142/152

Veli-Pekka Alakorva used to be a regular at events in Tallinn but hasn’t been seen since the pandemic by this reporter until now.

Alakorva is known to be very emotional and loud but is also friendly with others at the tables as well. One of those famous outbursts just came now at Table 11.

Alakorva checked with the Q K 2 9 on the board before Antti Ahlsten bet 2,700 into a pot of around 4,000. Alakorva raised to 7,000 and Ahlsten called.

The Q paired the board on the river. Alakorva announced he was “all in” and made a loud clap before also standing up and shouting in Finnish. Ahlsten quickly folded and the pot was awarded to Alakorva.

“Good bluff,” Jaana Kindsigo told Alakorva who was still holding onto his cards.

“It’s OK,” added Ahlsten. “You can show.”

Alakorva didn’t show all his cards but he wasn’t exactly bluffing as he had at least trip-queens after flashing the table the Q .

Veli-Pekka Alakorva – 45,000
Janna Kindsigo – 37,000
Antti Ahlsten – 22,000