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ACR Stormers – Their boat sank right in front of the harbour

ACR Stormers – Their boat sank right in front of the harbour

Oskar ‘Deckflow’ Ojaveer and Daniel ‘Danielmarpoker’ Palsson, both Twitch-Streamers, just got busted out of the tournament, and went on to go look for their captain as their ship sank on their way to the harbour.

Ojaveer threw in his last 225,000 with pocket 4s, and was way behind against the 6s from Callum Highley. While Ojaveer was walking away he mentioned to his team mate that he should defend the honours of the team now, roughly one hand his glass also broke and could hit the rail. 25 players are left and we are looking for 4 more players to bust here before the end of Day 1B.

Oskar ‘Deckflow’ Ojaveer