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Aces Over Ace-Queen for Sootla

Aces Over Ace-Queen for Sootla

Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)

Entries: 69/192

Ranno Sootla
Ranno Sootla

Sometimes poker is very simple. You just need a good hand, another player to have a second best hand and then you need your hand to hold.

For Ranno Sootla poker has been that simple today most of the time. He had to fire a 2nd bullet, but after that it was almost only one way for his stack: upwards. We just witnessed him take out Andrei Maglov in one of the last hands of the night.

Mjagkov was all-in with A-Q for his last 30k chips and Sootla had him crushed with A-A.

The board ran out K-J-5-Q-2 and send the pot Sootla’s way. The Estonian stacks way over 250k chips now.

Andrei Mjagkov – 0
Ranno Sootla – over 250,000