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Aces Cracked for a Second Time for Swift

Aces Cracked for a Second Time for Swift

Level 12: 1,500/3,000 (3,000)
Entries: 117/321

We caught up with the Grosvenor Poker ambassador and the MPF Ladies First! host Katie Swift just before the break as we saw her leaving her seat before the other players.

Swift took a photo of the hand and told us the action about how her aces got cracked for a second time today. This time, the result was fatal as she was on the rail for good.

Swift shared she opened from under the gun for 6,000 with A A . A player jammed with K Q and Swift made the easy call.

Unfortunately for Swift, her opponent improved to two pair on the Q 5 7 6 Q board and the rest was history.

Swift also mentioned that she hopes that she will be able to get back into the action for tomorrow’s turbo Day 1e opening flight. But that all depends on how late the Ladies First! event runs first.

We wish Katie the best of luck tomorrow and hope she enjoys the rest of her evening despite running bad during Day 1c.

Katie Swift
Katie Swift