Responsible Gaming: Tips for Gambling Responsibly

Gambling is a hobby that is familiar to many as a way to have fun and sometimes make money. However, in order for practice to remain valid, it is important to follow the rules of smart gambling. These simple rules include advice on how to always remain rational, while not depriving yourself of the opportunity to enjoy your time at your favorite casino. In this section we will cover in more detail about what is responsible gambling, how to apply it and what to do if you are already addicted.

What is Gambling Addiction?

Gaming addiction is a condition driven by a constant desire to participate in gambling activities, even when they cause harm to the individual and their loved ones. People with this condition tend to gamble despite the risks of financial difficulties, relationship problems, and issues in their professional and personal lives.

Gaming addiction is a serious disorder, comparable to other addictions such as drugs or nicotine. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and prevent the signs of developing addiction in time.

How Common is Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction is a concerning issue worldwide. Depending on the region, the percentage of players suffering from gambling addiction problems varies. In Ohio, for example, about 3% of players faced gambling problems in 2022.

It is also important to note that young people are more susceptible to addiction compared to the older generation. Understanding such statistics helps create targeted solutions to deal with gambling addiction.

What are the Signs of Gambling Addiction in Adults?

It is very important to be able to recognize the signs of addiction in time. Understanding what the first signs of addiction in yourself or your loved ones is crucial for quick intervention and subsequent support to overcome the disorder. Here are some of the main signs:

  • Preoccupation with gambling: Constantly thinking about possible winnings, planning new sessions, or constantly reliving past experiences related to gambling over and over again. 
  • Increasing the stakes: Over time there is a sense of need to increase the stakes in order to reach the usual level of excitement and satisfaction.
  • Chasing Losses: The desire to gamble in order to win back money lost.
  • Failed Attempts to Stop: Repeated unsuccessful efforts to cut back or quit gambling.
  • Financial Problems: Borrowing money, selling possessions, mortgaging property and taking out loans to continue being able to play.

What Causes Gambling Addiction?

Gaming addiction, like many other addictions, is closely interconnected with biological, social and psychological factors, which are an important puzzle in understanding the causes of addiction in people.

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Biological Factors

There is evidence that a biological factor influences the onset of gambling addiction in different groups of people. For example, the brains of people with gambling addictions are similar to the brains of people addicted to drugs when examined using MRI scans. There is some evidence that gaming problems arise from lower than the average levels of neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, associated with arousal, stress, and risk-taking behavior; and serotonin, which affects mood and well-being. This means that genetically, some people are more predisposed to gambling addictions.

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Psychological Factors

Another factor influencing the formation of gaming addiction is psychological, namely psychological distortion, which is often characteristic of people predisposed to gambling addiction. It has been observed that addicted people often believe that previous outcomes influence upcoming independent events: justifying compulsive behavior. The belief that one’s luck must change makes many gamblers chase losses, even though the odds always remain the same.

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Social Factors

Social factors also play an important role in the formation of gambling addiction in people. The influence of external stress, turbulent family situations, instability in the country’s politics, and other types of stress can greatly influence the emergence of addiction. Generally, the weaker sections of the population living below the poverty line in Third World countries are more prone to gaming addiction. Stress, loneliness, and social isolation, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, can drive people to gambling as a coping mechanism.

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People suffering from mental health or substance use disorders are also more vulnerable to the threat of gambling addiction. As a rule, the combination of several factors at once increases the likelihood of gambling addiction many times over.

Gambling Addiction Risk Factors

There are a number of factors, in addition to those listed above, that increase the risk of gambling addiction. We recommend familiarizing yourself with the list below to warn yourself against possible difficulties:

  • History of substance abuse;
  • Underlying mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety);
  • Family history of gaming addiction;
  • Early initiation to gaming;
  • Peer pressure and social circles;
  • Chronic stress and financial difficulties;
  • Loneliness and social isolation.

Negative Effects of Gambling

Gaming addictions can lead to a number of dire consequences that can ruin lives. The main ones are, of course, problems with finances, mental health, and relationships, often creating a cycle of harm that is difficult to break. Here are the key areas impacted by gambling addiction:

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It is common for people to be willing to borrow, sell personal items, take out loans, and sometimes even steal for the sole purpose of continuing to finance their gambling. Such behavior frequently leads to financial difficulties for the gambler and their family that can last for years.

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Mental Health

Gaming addiction has a serious impact on mental health. It can cause or worsen conditions such as depression, anxiety disorder, or bipolar. Feelings of guilt and shame over losing and being unable to pay off gaming debts can lead to low self-esteem and, in severe cases, suicidal thoughts or actions. Constant losing streaks can create feelings of despair for people who are particularly susceptible to stress.

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Feelings of loneliness, mistrust, and constant quarrels with loved ones are synonymous with game addiction. The deception and secrecy associated with gambling can undermine trust and lead to conflict. Financial problems can lead to quarrels and even the breakup of relationships.

Recognizing You Have a Problem

Recognizing your gaming addiction is the first step to curing it. If you are still not sure if you are still addicted to gambling, try answering the following questions:

  • Do you catch yourself thinking about gambling too often, sometimes even at inappropriate times?
  • Have you had an experience where you tried to stop gambling but couldn’t?
  • Have you lost more than your budget could afford?
  • Have you borrowed money or sold property to finance gambling?
  • Do you experience financial problems, such as debt or unpaid bills, because of gambling?
  • Do you often return to gambling to try to win back money you have lost?
  • Do you feel anxious, depressed, or irritable when you are not gambling?
  • Has gaming caused conflict or problems in your relationships with family and friends?
  • Have you neglected work, school, or other responsibilities because of gambling?
  • Have you lost interest in hobbies or activities you once enjoyed because you prefer to gamble?
  • Have friends or relatives expressed concern about your gambling habits?

If you answered “yes” to some of these questions, it is likely that you have a gambling addiction. The more positive answers you have, the more serious your situation is. Understanding and recognizing the addiction is a crucial step to seeking help and regaining control of your life.

How to Stop Gambling Addiction

Overcoming gaming addiction is a challenging and arduous process, but it can definitely be successful. If you are facing the problem of gambling addiction and are ready to take steps to overcome it, the following methods can significantly impact your success in this endeavor:

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Therapy and Counseling

Psychotherapy is recognized as one of the most effective methods for combating gambling addiction. Having a professional who can provide support and guidance is immensely helpful in these situations. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, individuals with psychological disorders are more prone to developing gambling addiction, making the presence of a psychotherapist essential in such cases. This can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Family Therapy. Each method is unique, and you have the right to decide which one is best suited for your specific case.

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Medical Treatment

Another way to overcome addiction is to seek medical treatment with specialized medications. If you suffer from depressive disorders or personality disorders, medical treatment is necessary to ensure success. The most well-known medications today that help combat addiction are antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and opioid antagonists. It is recommended to consult a psychiatrist for the prescription of these medications.

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Group Support and Self-Help

Group support is no less important in overcoming gaming addiction. There are many programs aimed at helping people with addiction, such as Gamblers Anonymous, where people have the opportunity to share their experiences, creating a sense of community and group responsibility. 

Support groups are organized by professionals in the field of mental health, which also provide people with the opportunity to share their difficulties and exchange views on overcoming the disorder. 

You can also turn to self-help methods, which can be just as effective. This includes forced exclusion from gambling (usually provided by bookmakers for their players), reading books on the topic, talking to loved ones, and accepting their advice. You can develop your own personal strategy that works for you.

How to Help Someone with a Gambling Addiction

If someone you know is struggling with gaming addiction, you can help. It can often be difficult to tell loved ones that they are suffering from addiction, and sometimes those affected may not want outside help. In such moments, it’s important to be gentle in your words and actions towards the person. If you do notice signs of gambling addiction in family or friends, it’s crucial to educate yourself on how to assist in such situations to avoid causing further harm.

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Helping Someone Seek Treatment

Helping others find treatment involves support and understanding. It’s crucial for the person struggling with addiction to feel genuinely cared for and that you want what’s best for them. Avoid judgment and harshness towards the individual. Try gently pointing out the addiction and suggest ways to address it; even the smallest step can begin a significant transformation. 

You can inform them about programs offered by their favorite bookmaker in case of gambling addiction, attend Gamblers Anonymous (GA) meetings together, or visit a psychologist. During these moments, it’s vital for individuals to know they are not alone, and you can provide a sense of safety and community. 

It’s also important to set boundaries with the person, not lend them money, and not cover up their problems.

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Preventing Suicide in People with Gambling Problems

People with gaming addiction are at risk of potential suicidal thoughts. To help loved ones in this situation, it’s crucial to recognize signs of suicidal ideation early. These signs often include social withdrawal, apathy, giving away personal belongings, and mentioning feelings of hopelessness. If you know your loved ones are also susceptible to other psychological disorders, it’s important to be even more vigilant. 

Engage them in dialogue gently without judgment; being an active listener is often more effective. If you sense they are open to change but current circumstances prevent them from seeking help from a psychologist or attending support groups, offer your assistance. 

However, if the situation reaches a critical level where the person has attempted suicide or you fear they may soon, seek immediate professional help or contact a crisis hotline.

Tips to Gamble Responsibly

Gaming can be associated with positive emotions and can add positivity to everyone’s life if simple rules are followed. It’s important to always adhere to these rules, even if you’re just starting your gaming journey, as preventing a problem is always easier than solving it later. Here are the main rules and tricks that we would like to highlight: 

  • Set Limits. Always set limits on both the time spent gambling and the amount you’re willing to invest. Don’t neglect these settings to avoid the first signs of gambling addiction. 
  • Awareness. Educate yourself about gambling addiction beforehand; having this knowledge can help identify early signs and prevent development.
  • Education. Familiarize yourself with the rules and specifics of the game. Don’t rely solely on luck; strive to make decisions about gambling independently.
  • Balance. Aim to balance life and gambling; don’t set high limits as they will be meaningless. Try to fill your life with various activities that bring you different experiences.

Tools to Gamble Responsibly

Today, many bookmakers offer a range of tools to help fight addiction. Each bookmaker has a different set of these tools, which can be found in the responsible gaming section or by asking customer support. These tools help players feel they are not alone and can rely on gaming companies for assistance. Some of the most popular tools include:

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Setting Deposit Limits

Setting a deposit limit is the main way of preventing gaming addiction. The main point of this method is to mechanically set a deposit limit on the site within a certain time frame, which will prevent you from spending more money than you are allowed to. This method is very effective in the fight against wastefulness, ensuring that your gambling experience does not exceed the limits.

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Taking Timeouts

Taking timeouts is another effective method to promote responsible gambling. It allows you to be weaned off gambling for a certain period. Usually, the bookmaker freezes your account and you cannot use it for a determined period ranging from a few hours to several days. This method is ideal for those who tend to gamble obsession development but are willing to keep themselves within limits, reassessing their gambling habits, regaining control, and avoiding compulsive behavior.

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Self-exclusion is very similar to taking a timeout, except that the exclusion period can range from several months to several years. It is an extreme measure that is highly effective for addicted players.

Gambling Addiction Treatment Resources

If you or someone you love is likely to have an addiction to gambling, several facilities can help you overcome such addiction. Each person is unique, and many treatments should be chosen individually.

Gamblers Anonymous

Cooperation from individuals sharing their experiences, support and help essential for each other in recovery. The initiative was founded in 1957, and today includes support groups for loved ones (Gam-Anon) and young individuals (Gam-A-Teen). The standard GA program involves a 12-step program aimed at curing addiction and preventing relapse.


GamCare is a charitable organization staffed with specialists in psychological medicine who are always ready to listen, offer advice, and provide free assistance in recovery.


The National Council on Problem Gaming are doing their best to provide people with information about gambling addiction and how to deal with it. Their website also operates on a voluntary basis, offering users a pool of information on the subject as well as a number of sources of professional medical support.

Gambling Therapy

Gambling Therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed specifically to address gambling addictions in individuals. Specialists in this field exclusively work with addicted individuals and apply a personalized approach to solving this type of problem.

Getting Help by States

This is an NCPG-hosted line that provides information regarding specific, local resources available for problem gamblers and their loved ones for different regions in the US. The platform has a map with every state outlined for a specific type of help for every individual.

Gambling Addiction Help Worldwide

If you have encountered a gambling addiction issue outside of the United States, you can reach out to the following services:

ArgentinaJuego Responsable0800-333-0333
BelgiumVAD02 423 03 33
BrazilJogadores Anônimos(11) 3229-1023
ChilePsicólogos Ludopatía Chile9 222 3860
GermanySpielen mit Verantwortung: Glücksspielsucht0800-1 37 27 00
SpainFEJAR900 200 225
FranceIFAC33 (0)2 40 84 76 20
ItalyTVNGA800 55 88 22
NorwayHjelpelinjen 800 800 40
AustriaSpielsuchthilfe (1) 544 13 57
PortugalJogo Responsável213 950 911
SwitzerlandSucht Schweiz 021 321 29 11
SwedenStödlinjen 020-819 100


Why is Responsible Gambling Important?

Responsible gambling is important as it helps to prevent gambling addiction and makes sure that gambling is used for the right purpose, fun, and entertainment namely.

How Can I Tell If Someone Has a Gambling Problem?

The symptoms for gambler disorder include preoccupation with gambling, lying about it, chasing losses, and having financial problems due to gambling.

What Can I Do If I Spend Too Much Time Gambling?

You can set strict deposit limits, which are available at your bookmaker, or try using tools like time-out or exclusion from gambling.

What Is Self-exclusion and Why Is It Recommended?

Self-exclusion is the option offered by many bookmakers in the USA ban individuals from gambling for a set period ensuring health relationship with the sphere.

How Can I Keep Track of My Gambling Expenses?

A detailed record of all your gambling activities, including the amounts wagered, won and lost is stored on a bookmaker’s platform, you can always check on it.

What If I Am Concerned About the Amount I Am Spending on Gambling?

If you’re concerned about your gaming spending, call a gambling helpline, set very tight budget limits, and consider self-exclusion.

What Can I Do If I Can’t Stop Gambling?

You can report your problem to the bookmaker and ask for a forced self-exclusion. It will prevent you from visiting the gambling platform for a set period of time.

How Can I Take My Mind off Gambling?

Engage in alternative activities such as sports, arts, or music. Try to make your life more meaningful and dedicate your free time to the activities that will make your day more colorful.

How Can I Protect My Children From Viewing Gambling Sites?

Simply use parental control software to block access to gambling platforms and educate your children about the risks of gambling.

What are the Best Responsible Gambling Tools?

The best responsible gaming tools include setting deposit limits, using self-exclusion programs and taking timeouts.