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Real Money Poker in a Fantastic Virtual Reality Setting? Try Out PokerStars VR!

Real Money Poker in a Fantastic Virtual Reality Setting? Try Out PokerStars VR!

When Real Money Online Poker first appeared a couple of decades ago it was (literally) a game-changer, giving those who might never have been inclined to venture into the ostensibly closed-off world of traditional Bricks & Mortar poker an opportunity to be part of what became a global phenomenon. The evolving technology that today’s younger players grew up with and thus find ‘normal’ has seen poker fans’ thirst for faster games, bigger prize pools and more thrills and spills met year after year.

However, PokerStars has upped the stakes (ahem…) to another level with their Virtual Reality version of poker. Whether you’re an out-and-out gadget addict or simply interested in missing an already exciting game with the wonderful, cutting-edge world of virtual reality, PokerStars VR is absolutely worth a try.

It’s interesting by the way, that the big daddy of online poker might well be a veteran operator compared with some but, nevertheless, produces the goods when it comes to putting an essentially futuristic twist on the game. AS PokerStars itself suggests when introducing its special feature-packed VR offering: it’s “Poker with No Limits” (see what they did there?!).

Of course, it by no means does this mix of the ‘real’ and virtual anywhere near enough justice to attempt a description – instead, you should simply give it a go. Suffice to say that the experience is a visual feast, complete with countless interactive toys, props and accessories and so realistic that you can even read your opponents’ body language as you would in a live game!

It’s Texas Hold’em, folks, but not as we know it… And you can even take your chances against PokerStars Team Pros and Twitch streamers.

Here are just a few of the many great features:

  • Simple, intuitive, fully immersive and easy to play
  • Play real opponents in Hold’em ring games
  • Amazing realism
  • Unlock free chips every day by spin the virtual wheel
  • Invite friends to your very own private table
  • Streaming media integration (Oculus Rift only)
  • Visually stunning, interactive environments
  • Exotic locales include ‘The Monte Carlo Yacht’, ‘Showdown Saloon’ and even the ‘Galaxy Space Station
  • Play Sit & Go tournaments, featuring weekly Leader Boards offering in-game rewards

Of course, in order to enjoy the PokerStars VR experience you’ll need specific hardware, with the following specifications being recommended:

VR HeadsetOculus Rift or HTC Vive
Graphics CardNVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 480 or greater
Alternative Graphics CardNVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 or greater
CPUIntel i5-4590 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or greater
Memory8GB+ RAM
Video OutputCompatible HDMI 1.3 video output
USB Ports3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port
Operating SystemWindows 10 or newer

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, check out the latest Online Poker Bonuses and Offers … Whatever version of poker you play – have fun, and good luck!

*Any mention of a bonus or discussion of such terms is not in relation to the province of Ontario.