What is a Bum Hunter in Poker?

Bum hunters are players who exclusively seek out weaker opponents to maximize their winnings. In the highly competitive world of online poker, the strategy of bum hunting has become prevalent. Learning about this term can help you understand the dynamics of your poker games and recognize when someone might be targeting you.

Why Do Players Bum Hunt?

The primary reason for bum hunting is to increase profits in poker. By targeting weaker opponents, bum hunters are more likely to win and make money at the tables. It’s a way for players to secure a steady stream of income without taking on bigger risks or facing tougher competition.

Another reason why people engage in bum hunting is that it allows them to maintain a high win rate and boost their reputation as skilled players. This can attract other players who are looking for easy prey, leading to a cycle of bum hunting within the online poker community.

Key Characteristics of Bum Hunters

Bum hunting is a strategic approach in poker that focuses on exploiting less skilled players. Understanding this tactic can enhance your gameplay and improve your ability to spot potential bum hunters:

  • Opponent Selection: They meticulously choose tables with less skilled players.
  • Profit Maximization: Their goal is to maximize profit by exploiting weaker players.