Poker Strategies – Page №16
When Should I Move Up Stakes in Poker? September 17, 2008
Everyone has heard a story of an “elite” online player making a meteoric rise up through the stakes. One day he’s grinding $1/$2; the next he’s at $200/$400 and playing…
How to Play Ace-King (A-K) in Poker: The Best Drawing Hand September 12, 2008
Ask anyone who plays poker and they’ll tell you ace-king, both suited and unsuited, is a premium Hold’em starting hand. So how come it gets beginners into so much trouble?…
A Beginner’s Guide to Sit’n’Go (SNG) August 24, 2008
Fun. Fast. Profitable. Thrilling. If you’ve played online poker you’ve likely taken a shot at one of the most popular game formats ever created – the Sit & Go. Typically…
How to “Juice” a Poker Table July 31, 2008
My favorite part of playing poker live is getting to juice a table. You’ll see lots of the pros do this as well. Not only does it make you more…
Top 5 Trouble Hands for Beginner Poker Players July 30, 2008
“Poker’s tough.” I’ve heard that line – and said it myself – more times than I can count. The truth of it is never more obvious than while watching beginners…
Poker Bots: The Beginning of the End? July 26, 2008
Most serious poker players, especially those who play online, are aware of the existence of “bots.” Bot is short for robot, and the subspecies of interest here are those designed…
How to Find the Most Profitable Poker Table, Live or Online July 24, 2008
You can only make as much money in poker as the table you’re on allows. Sometimes the best thing you can do to make more money is to change the…
All You Need to Know About Fold Equity in Poker July 4, 2008
— “If you’re planning to call a bet, you’re better off betting it yourself.” Behind this poker mantra is the reality that by betting you give yourself two ways to…
How to Play Good Poker Post-Flop: A Beginner’s Guide June 28, 2008
The majority of poker is played post-flop, making it the most important side of the game to focus on as you develop your game. If you’re a true beginner, just…
How to Calculate Outs in Poker: A Beginner’s Guide June 26, 2008
One of the most basic but also the most crucial skills for a poker player is the ability to quickly calculate how many outs you have to a winning hand.…
How to Adjust to a Tight or Loose Poker Table June 5, 2008
One of the prime skills you as a poker player can possess is the ability to change gears. A given style might be highly profitable versus one set of opponents…
How to Prepare for Your First-Ever WSOP Main Event May 27, 2008
With over 6,300 players in 2007 and over 8,900 the year before, the big show is unlike anything you will have played before. For a first-timer, it can all feel…
How to Improve Your Poker Skills May 20, 2008
No matter who you are, or how many hands of poker you’ve played in your life, you should always be trying to brush up on your poker skills. The single…
How to Make Money in Limit Hold’em Tournaments May 17, 2008
OK; so you just registered for a tournament on your favorite online poker site. In the first hand you get dealt pocket aces; there’s a raise under the gun and…
How to Play Ace-Queen: The Worst Best Hand in Poker May 2, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we face the music and stop overplaying ace-queen. Daniel Negreanu used to call A-Q “1.4,” named after how many million he has lost with it.…
5 Must-Know Tips for Switching from Hold’em to Omaha April 27, 2008
Believe it or not, Texas Hold’em is a not the oldest poker game in the world. In fact, for decades in modern card rooms and for over half a century…