Strategies for Beginners – Page №3
How to Calculate Outs in Poker: A Beginner’s Guide June 26, 2008
One of the most basic but also the most crucial skills for a poker player is the ability to quickly calculate how many outs you have to a winning hand.…
How to Prepare for Your First-Ever WSOP Main Event May 27, 2008
With over 6,300 players in 2007 and over 8,900 the year before, the big show is unlike anything you will have played before. For a first-timer, it can all feel…
How to Improve Your Poker Skills May 20, 2008
No matter who you are, or how many hands of poker you’ve played in your life, you should always be trying to brush up on your poker skills. The single…
How to Play Hold’em Before the Flop: Beginners Guide April 23, 2008
In full-ring No-Limit Hold’em, deciding which hands to play and which hands to fold is the single most important factor when you first learn to play winning poker. You may…
How to Exploit Your Table Image in Poker March 27, 2008
The beautiful thing about poker is no one style is “best.” But the key to success is being conscious of your table “image” and how opponents react to it.
How to Play Poker: The 23 Golden Poker Tips March 22, 2008
Over the last few years I’ve written down some “golden rules.” These are rules for playing professional poker that all players should adhere to. Most of these are personal rules…
How to Win Big Pots in Poker? March 21, 2008
This is a very simple poker lesson: When you flop a big hand in poker, you want to create a big pot If you have a weak hand, you want…
Should You Ever Have Short Stack in a Poker Game? March 20, 2008
Is it ever correct to buy in for less than the maximum – aka short stack – at the poker table? Short answer: Well, maybe. Find out why right here!
Why You Shouldn’t Slow Play in Poker March 19, 2008
The object of poker is to win the most money. That’s it – that is your goal. You’re playing poker — not pogs. In other words all the strategies you…
8 Tips to Survive Your First Live Poker Tournament March 16, 2008
Playing your first live poker tournament can be intimidating – So make your first poker tournament a success by following these simple poker tips.
The Basics of Blinds and Betting in Poker March 7, 2008
Here’s a simple guide for poker beginners on all the antes, blinds, bets, calls and raises in poker either in a casino poker room, at home or online.
14 Essential Tips for Your First Time Playing Poker at the Casino March 5, 2008
Your first trip to the casino is usually an overwhelming one. Players are huddled around tables, cheers and cries of winners and losers ring out, bells and flashing lights echo…
Don’t Be a Poker Sucker: Play in Position March 3, 2008
To say position is important in poker is like saying having legs is important to walking – a gross understatement. Position is the single most important factor in the game.…
How to Defend Against the Light Three-Bet February 27, 2008
If you’ve been playing short-handed cash games with any frequency lately you may have noticed a new trend. The TAG (tight-aggressive) style which used to dominate the games has really…
How to Play Poker Cap Games Part 1: Making Adjustments February 26, 2008
This is the first in a two-part series looking at cap games and some of the adjustments needed to adapt your game. Unlike a regular No-Limit game (where the amount…
10 Major Traps Beginner Poker Players Fall For January 30, 2008
Learning to play poker can be a very trying experience. Once you know the basic rules of Texas Holdem you can at least function, but you’ll still be a complete…