Strategies for Beginners – Page №2
When Should You Fold Aces in Poker? July 8, 2009
Being able to fold when behind is what sets apart the great poker players from everyone else. It’s really easy to play the best hand. The difference between how much…
How Not to Suck at Poker: Stop Talking So Much June 5, 2009
Texas Hold’em is an information game. The more information you have (and the better you are at acquiring it), the better you’ll do. One of the biggest edges you can…
How Not to Suck at Poker: Have a Proper Bankroll May 28, 2009
One of the most important things you can do for yourself when starting out in poker is to set aside a poker-specific bankroll. That means a lump sum of money…
How Not to Suck at Poker: Pay Attention at the Table! May 27, 2009
Texas Hold’em is a game of partial information. The more you can acquire, the better you’ll play. Everything that happens at a poker table – whether you’re in the pot…
How to Play Better Post-Flop Poker: An In-Depth Guide May 17, 2009
In my reading of the poker literature I’ve noticed that most discussions of beginner poker strategy focus on pre-flop action. This is understandable and sensible. Solid pre-flop strategy avoids problems…
How Not to Suck at Poker: Play Fewer Hands May 13, 2009
It sucks to suck at things. And Texas Hold’em can be a frustrating game for beginners. Are you just unlucky? Are you making huge mistakes? Are you missing one simple…
2 Symptoms of Fancy Play Syndrome in Poker May 8, 2009
Fancy Play Syndrome, or FPS, is used to describe an overly creative way of playing a hand when a straightforward approach would win you a lot more chips. A syndrome…
Why Exercise is Essential to Playing Better Poker March 21, 2009
I know, I know. These are supposed to be articles on poker and the psychology thereof. But a couple of instalments back we had an extended discussion on the role…
Limit Hold’em: Every Bet Counts January 24, 2009
In Limit Hold’em, it’s crucial to understand the importance of a single bet, and how the bet affects you and your long-term results. Players who primarily understand No-Limit poker may…
What is a Continuation Bet in Poker? December 27, 2008
As a beginner poker player you may find it difficult to play poker on the flop after raising before the flop. When you follow up your pre-flop raise with a…
The 5 Most Common Beginner Mistakes in Poker December 14, 2008
Every mistake you make at a poker table costs you money. Unfortunately for most poker beginners, it’s hard to learn from those mistakes — unless it costs you your entire…
Debunking the 2 Biggest Myths of Limit Hold’em Poker October 13, 2008
Most No-Limit players have a raging hatred of anything Limit. This hatred is typically unfounded, based on half-truths, myths and misconceptions. The funny part about these haters? Most of them…
How to Avoid Making Bad Bluffs in Poker October 5, 2008
There is nothing more rewarding for a pro than calling down an amateur making a bad bluff; and there’s nothing more upsetting to an amateur than getting called. An amateur…
How to Make Simple Prop Bets at the Poker Table? September 21, 2008
As mentioned in this article, one of the ways a player can juice some action out of a table is to start some prop bets. Prop bets, short for proposition…
Top 5 Trouble Hands for Beginner Poker Players July 30, 2008
“Poker’s tough.” I’ve heard that line – and said it myself – more times than I can count. The truth of it is never more obvious than while watching beginners…
How to Play Good Poker Post-Flop: A Beginner’s Guide June 28, 2008
The majority of poker is played post-flop, making it the most important side of the game to focus on as you develop your game. If you’re a true beginner, just…