Archive: Live Blog
Unibet Open Bukarest 2023 – Here we go! November 30, 2023
Unibet Open Bukarest alkoi pari tuntia sitten, pahoittelut että blogi pääsee vauhtiin myöhässä. Syytetään Lufthansaa, joka onnistui eilen jättämään matkalaukkuni Frankfurtin kentälle. Nyt on laukku saatu tänne Bukarestin Marriottiin ja…
Chevalier Out in 4th After Running into Nuts November 5, 2023
Liam Chevalierdefended the big-blind and checked to the initial aggressor Glen Keogh. After a c-bet from Keogh, Chevalier found himself raising and then getting 3-bet on the 7 5 4…
Keogh Makes a Move But Not Past McNamara November 5, 2023
Glen Keoghopened his BU to 100k (2bb) and Liam Chevalierflat his SB. Tomas McNamarawent for a 3-bet squeeze to 375k (5.5bb) and Keogh pumped it up to 875k (14bb). McNamara…
Molenaar Continues to Chip Up; Busts Hedley in 5th November 5, 2023
Two of the strongest players at the final table collided when Michael Molenaaropened his CO and Andrew Hedleyfound the all-in from the big-blind for 520k (10bb) Michael snap-called with J…
Molenaar Cruising On The Final Table November 5, 2023
It’s always good to win big flips on the final table where the value of each all-in is worth thousands. Michael Molenaar, a well-versed Dutch pro who is ascending in…
Final Table Time! November 5, 2023
CountryNameTable / SeatChipsKeogh, GlennT30 / 83,940,000MacNamara, TomasT30 / 53,240,000Kellett, Richard JT30 / 92,595,000Molenaar, MichelT30 / 61,895,000Chevalier, LiamT30 / 41,390,000Hedley, AndrewT30 / 3700,000O’Neill, PadraigT30 / 2245,000Black, AndyT30 / 1225,000
Hedley, Ahuja, Black and Molenaar All Make Final Day November 5, 2023
A strong group of 15 players have all made the final day of the partypoker MILLIONS Irish Poker Festival, including poker legend Andy Black. Despite losing an almost 2 million…
Day 3 Seatdraw – partypoker Millions Irish Poker Festival Dublin November 5, 2023
We have 15 players left in contest in Dublin. It is Glenn Keogh who bagged the lead for the final day, shortly followed by Kellet and McNamara. Who will take…
Partypoker Millions Irish Poker Festival Results November 5, 2023
Yesterday we reached the money spots in the partypoker Millions Irish Poker Festival. Here are the names who locked up a min cash by being unfortunate not to have survived…
Coveney Goes For It, Gets Sniffed Out By McNamara November 5, 2023
Ross Coveneyopened his BU to 40k (2bb) and Michael Molenaarsmooth-called in the small-blind. Tomas McNamarawent for 3-bet in big-blind to 155k (7.75bb) and Coveney did not take long before piling…
Hedley Gets It Through November 5, 2023
Liam Chevalieropened his CO to 32k (2bb) and well-known Irish pro Andrew Hedley3-bet to 110k (6.8bb) and Chevalier quickly called. On a flop of Q 5 4 , both players…
Big Hold For Cahill November 5, 2023
An early position player opened off his monster 1+ million in chips in early position, and Seamus Cahillmade no time in putting in his 350k. Once it folded back round…
Carl Cullen Bubbles; 29 Players ITM November 5, 2023
We have 29 players remaining after Carl Cullenlost a flip for his tournament life and burst the bubble of the partypoker MILLIONS Irish Festival Cullen pushed all-in with his short…
Big Double for McNamara November 4, 2023
The action to this peculiar hand started with Bart Lybaertopening 16k (2bb) in MP, and found a 3-bet when Philipp Kampf raised to 43k (5.3bb). Tomas McNamaramade a stand with…
Molenaar Gets Max After Sneaky Check November 4, 2023
Michael Molenaar opened to 17k in the HJ, the CO peeled and the rest of the players folded. On a board of K 6 5 , Molenaar checked and the…
Not Even a Sweat For Stewart November 4, 2023
After a middle-position open to 16k (2bb) and a late-position flat, Joshua Stewartjammed his 212k (27bb). The initial raiser re-jammed their 347k (44bb) and the late-position flatter folded. It was…