
WSOP pro reveals how much he really wins at poker

WSOP pro reveals how much he really wins at poker

WSOP pro reveals how much he really wins at poker

Well-known poker players always like to talk about winnings, big titles and successes. The costs of these winnings and titles, however, remain mostly unknown to the spectators. To give a blatant example: David Williams finished 117th in the Flip&Go tournament at the WSOP this year and collected 2,155 dollars. That’s all well and good, but he had to buy in 19 times and thus paid 19,000 dollars in buy-ins. What looks like a small win on paper is in reality a huge loss.

Brandon Shack-Harris WSOP 2016
Brandon Shack-Harris

With Brandon Shack-Harris, a WSOP professional has now disclosed all his tournament data, including all buy-ins.

Brandon Shack-Harris has been a key player at the WSOP for a decade and is one of the most active and successful players on the tour. Since 2010 he has accumulated 2 WSOP titles, 3 second place finishes, 3 third place finishes and 6 other final tables. In 2014, he finished second to George Danzer in the Player of the Year race and won a total of almost $3.5 million in prize money.

On his homepage, Shack-Harris revealed how much money he invested in WSOP tournaments during the twelve years and how much net profit he made.

The most important figures first: Brandon Shack-Harris invested over 1.2 million dollars in buy-ins. This compares to winnings of almost 3.5 million dollars. Spread over all tournaments, his ROI (return on investment) is at around 184%.

This is how Shack-Harris’ WSOP profits and buy-ins have developed since 2010:

Brandon Shack-Harris; Full Profits and Losses at WSOP
Buy-ins and cashes (left axis); ROI over all years combined (right axis)

Profits and losses in numbers

These are the profits and losses of Brandon Shack-Harris in numbers since 2010:

YearEvents Buy-Ins  Cashes FTsROI
20103 $                    7,000 $                           –  0-100.0%
20117 $                  14,500 $                  14,0000-3.4%
201210 $                  22,500 $                126,9251464.1%
201312 $                  31,000 $                           –  0-100.0%
201425 $                139,350 $            1,444,7205936.8%
201521 $                159,000 $                  59,7501-62.4%
201621 $                163,000 $            1,057,7003548.9%
201726 $                194,500 $                  97,0601-50.1%
201832 $                198,180 $                478,3001141.3%
201932 $                142,800 $                  43,3430-69.6%
202012 $                    8,300 $                    3,2050-61.4%
202129 $                147,700 $                160,33228.6%
Sum230 $            1,227,830 $            3,485,33514183.9%

All in all, Bandon Shack-Harris turned a profit in 5 of his 12 years at the WSOP, in 7 years he had to record net losses. He participated in a total of 230 tournaments and cashed in 53 of those, meaning he’s in the money in roughly 23% of all tournaments.

Brandon Shack-Harris is certainly in the top percentile of all players at the WSOP in terms of quality of play. His data shows that even a player of such calibre has to put up with significant variance. Good years also contrast with several years of near six-figure losses.

In order to be successful over the long run in tournaments with large fields, you need a little luck and, above all, the will to invest a lot – in the case of Shack-Harris, over 1.2 million dollars.

Shack-Harris’ results at the WSOP since 2010

DateEventPlace Prize Money 
27-Jun-11WSOP  $ 2,500 Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo12 $          13,984
29-May-12WSOP  $ 1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo (Event #4)3 $          84,415
16-Jun-12WSOP  $ 10,000 H.O.R.S.E. (Event #32)10 $          35,923
19-Jun-12WSOP  $ 2,500 8 Game (Event #37)30 $            6,587
28-May-14WSOP  $ 1,000 Pot Limit Omaha (Event #3)1 $        205,634
06-Jun-14WSOP  $ 10,000 Seven Card Razz (Event #18)2 $        182,155
20-Jun-14WSOP  $ 1,500 Limit Hold’em (Event #43)3 $          78,335
22-Jun-14WSOP  $ 50,000 The Poker Players Championship (Event #46)2 $        937,975
30-Jun-14WSOP  $ 3,000 Omaha Hi/Lo (Event #59)34 $            7,236
02-Jul-14WSOP  $ 1,500 10-Game Mix (Event #63)21 $            4,775
02-Oct-14WSOP  A$ 1,100 No Limit Hold’em Accumulator53 $            2,044
06-Oct-14WSOP  A$ 1,650 No Limit Hold’em Terminator6 $            9,962
12-Oct-14WSOP  A$ 10,000 No Limit Hold’em WSOP APAC Main Event17 $          20,346
06-Jun-15WSOP  $ 10,000 Seven Card Razz Championship (Event #17)8 $          31,727
14-Jun-15WSOP  $ 3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-low Split-8 or Better (Event #31)26 $            9,408
01-Jul-15WSOP  $ 10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Event #63)17 $          18,619
16-Jun-16WSOP  $ 1,500 Omaha Hi-Low Split-8 or Better (Event #26)5 $          54,680
21-Jun-16WSOP  $ 2,500 Mixed Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better (Event #36)29 $            5,147
26-Jun-16WSOP  $ 1,500 Mixed No Limit Hold’em/Pot-Limit Omaha (Event #45)20 $            6,820
29-Jun-16WSOP  $ 10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha 8-Handed Championship (Event #51)1 $        894,300
05-Jul-16WSOP  $ 1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better (Event #60)2 $          96,750
01-Jun-17WSOP  $ 1,500 Omaha Hi/Lo (Event #4)92 $            2,425
07-Jun-17WSOP  $ 1,500 H.O.R.S.E. (Event #14)9 $          14,339
13-Jun-17WSOP  $ 10,000 Razz Championship (Event #26)6 $          43,370
15-Jun-17WSOP  $ 10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Event #30)16 $          16,951
28-Jun-17WSOP  $ 10,000 Pot Limit Omaha – 8 Handed Championship (Event #54)45 $          17,420
06-Jul-17WSOP  $ 1,500 Razz (Event #69)46 $            2,551
06-Jun-18WSOP  $ 1,500 H.O.R.S.E. (Event #15)88 $            2,319
08-Jun-18WSOP  $ 565 Pot Limit Omaha (Event #19)271 $                876
19-Jun-18WSOP  $ 2,500 Mixed Big Bet (Event #40)24 $            4,470
23-Jun-18WSOP  $ 10,000 Pot Limit Omaha – Championship (Event #49)3 $        433,259
29-Jun-18WSOP  $ 10,000 Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo – Championship (Event #60)12 $          31,334
07-Jul-18WSOP  $ 1,000 No Limit Hold’em – Little One for One Drop (Event #68)457 $            2,025
12-Jul-18WSOP  $ 1,500 No Limit Hold’em – The Closer (Event #75)122 $            4,021
01-Jun-19WSOP  $ 2,500 Limit Mixed Triple Draw (Event #6)25 $            5,055
04-Jun-19WSOP  $ 1,000 No Limit Hold’em – Super Turbo Bounty (Event #12)256 $            1,166
09-Jun-19WSOP  $ 600 Pot Limit Omaha – Online PLO 6-Handed (Event #24)23 $            3,809
10-Jun-19WSOP  $ 600 Pot Limit Omaha – Deep Stack (Event #25)87 $            1,856
12-Jul-19WSOP  $ 3,000 Pot Limit Omaha – 6-Handed (Event #85)12 $          26,277
14-Jul-19WSOP  $ 3,000 H.O.R.S.E. (Event #87)32 $            5,180
03-Jul-20WSOP  $ 400 No Limit Hold’em – (Event #3)278 $                677
20-Jul-20WSOP  $ 500 Pot Limit Omaha – 6-Handed (Event #20)64 $            1,228
10-Jul-21WSOP  $ 333 No Limit Hold’em ONLINE (WSOP Event #10)100 $                637
11-Jul-21WSOP  $ 400 No Limit Hold’em – Ultra Deepstack ONLINE (WSOP Event #11)159 $                612
06-Oct-21WSOP  $ 1,500 Seven Card Stud (Event #14)28 $            2,687
15-Oct-21WSOP  $ 1,500 No Limit 2-7 Lowball (Event #31)23 $            3,056
16-Oct-21WSOP  $ 3,000 H.O.R.S.E. (Event #32)13 $            9,563
19-Oct-21WSOP  $ 1,500 No Limit Hold’em – Super Turbo Bounty (Event #37)124 $            1,876
20-Oct-21WSOP  $ 10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship (Event #40)5 $          82,033
23-Oct-21WSOP  $ 10,000 Pot Limit Omaha Deepstack – 8 Handed Championship (Event #45)43 $          16,141
26-Oct-21WSOP  $ 600 No Limit Hold’em/Pot Limit Omaha – 8 Handed Deepstack (Event #50)165 $            1,051
30-Oct-21WSOP  $ 10,000 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship (Event #57)6 $          41,270
12-Nov-21WSOP  $ 1,500 No Limit Hold’em/Pot Limit Omaha – 8 Handed (Event #72)86 $            3,018