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The Wonders of Mobile Internet: Poker on the Go With WPT Global

The Wonders of Mobile Internet: Poker on the Go With WPT Global

We tend to view and interpret the world – past and present – in different ways depending on age. A different formative era brings about a different understanding. Perhaps the internet and the related technology it brings with it is the most striking example of this. A fortysomething, for example, is going to be a lot more tech/internet savvy than their parents. Meanwhile (because it’s all relative!), that same fortysomething might well be considerably less knowledgeable than the generation that came after them.

That it is true of real money online poker highlights how far the game has come in the couple of decades or so since the phenomenon first appeared. In those days the internet itself was nowhere near as well established as it is today in that nowadays it’s taken for granted to the point that it’s a ‘natural’ part of everyday life.

It is indeed relative. As someone who was around before online poker even existed, I continue to be impressed by the latest ‘new thing’ or development because I compare how things are with how they were in the early days. Online poker tournaments have changed quite a lot, for instance, a typically ‘modern’ feature being Bounty Tournaments and other elements of the online game that were not around originally but are the usual fare today. One such is the mobile poker app such as that offered by WPT Global which, fittingly, given this theme of modernity, is unusual in that it is a ‘new’ online poker operator (having been set up as recently as last year) while at the same time being the online poker room of the veteran World Poker Tour (WPT), one of the giants of the game. Being able to play poker on a mobile or other device we carry around with us when on the go is as normal as coffee for some, and still a remarkable novelty for others!

As for WPT Global’s mobile offering, the layout is great, it’s easy to move around within the app from tournaments to Texas Hold’em and Omaha cash games and so on, and there’s a varied selection (including 6+ Hold’em, for example) from which to choose. It’s also bankroll-friendly in terms of which stakes players find the most suitable for their poker budget.   

There’s also a good variety of backgrounds and card graphics, and you can even have fun with Emojis and a host of personal avatars to jazz up the mobile poker experience.

Importantly, note that none of the above compromises the speed and smooth running of the software which, of course, is the most important aspect.

All-in-all, WPT Global’s excellent mobile poker app is a great way to enjoy your favourite games and formats while on the go…

Meanwhile, check out the latest online poker bonuses available in our dedicated info section. Good luck at the tables, and have fun!