
The Challenge Is Over: VeniVidi1993 Reached $1.1M Bankroll Goal

The Challenge Is Over: VeniVidi1993 Reached $1.1M Bankroll Goal

The story of the $1,000,000 bankroll challenge, stretching from January 2023, finally ended on October 15th, 2024: Dirk Gerrits shared on X (ex-Twitter) that he successfully reached his goals.

Why he challenged himself like that, what results he had in the end and what he’s going to do next — read in this article.

What Was This Challenge About?

The experienced challenger VeniVidi1993 started on January 23rd, 2023 a $1,000,000 bankroll challenge having $66,641 on balance. He was going to play mostly PLO cash games and some MTTs on Sunday with occasional streaming.

The main goal was to prove that he could succeed in the poker world without relying on the people who initially helped him.

During the next five months Dirk was temporarily blocked on GGPoker for losing too much money and later lost his entire balance and decided to restart challenge with two changes:

  1. He topped up his balance with $33,200 to $100,000 and increased the final goal to $1.1M.
  2. He promised to donate $33,000 to charities at the end of the challenge no matter what.

Till the end of 2023 he has overcome different struggles on his journey, so when 2024 started Dirk didn’t expect to have a steady climb. But Variance and Lady Luck finally decided to encourage his diligence and give him stellar nine months of 2024, which led to undeniable success.

You can read details and lessons of this journey in the article: Veni, Vidi, Got Carried Away: The Continuing Challenge of VeniVidi1993.

The Final Week’s Update

On October 15th, 2024 Dirk shared his final results related to the $1.1M bankroll challenge. To the end of the 43rd week he had:

  • Total on account: +$1,134,662 
  • Cash games results of the last week: +$121,665
  • MTT results of the last week: +$10,200

He added to this info three weekly graphs:

VeniVidi1993 Graph 3

He was very excited to make challenge done, describing his emotions and thoughts in the same post:

“We did it! The million-dollar challenge is complete, and our incredible run has pushed us past the 1.1MM mark. It feels amazing to finish the challenge I set for myself at the start of last year. While 2023 was full of struggles, 2024 has been nothing but a steady climb. […]

Finishing this challenge does feel a bit daunting, though. It was such a driving force, something that got me out of bed every morning, and now I need to find a new source of motivation. But I’ve faced this before, and I’m confident I’ll be able to handle it more easily this time around. […]

The results outside of the challenge have been nothing but stellar too. […]

Thank you all for your support and for sticking with me through every high and low—it truly means the world to me.”

What’s Next For VeniVidi1993

For the near future Dirk is going to cut back on his hours at the tables to spend more time with his loved ones and celebrate with them. But it doesn’t mean that we will not see his face until 2025. We can hear him at least one time for sure, since on October 4th, 2024 Joey Ingram announced Gerrits as a guest on his latest podcast.

According to Dirk’s plans, he also won’t publish biweekly results from now but will share “big end-of-year update” on his 2024 results.

He also will keep his latest promise and donate 10% of his winnings to charities, planning to choose them and send money till the end of 2024.

If you want to get information from the first hand — subscribe to VeniVidi1993 on X.