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Take Advantage of Enhanced Stats at Americas Cardroom

Take Advantage of Enhanced Stats at Americas Cardroom

When we’ve seen poker depicted in movies over the years, the emphasis has almost always been on mind games, outrageous bluffing, the cruel tricks of Lady Luck, nerves of steel… until more recently the skill factor was a minor one, but it’s this latter poker fact that today forms the foundations of any even would-be serious poker fan’s approach.

Even those inexperienced players just starting out in the world of real money online poker soon learn that needing to avail ourselves of whatever information we can is an imperative. It’s the very fact that the game features a certain amount of ‘unknown’ information that makes it so important to use what we have in order to make the best practical decisions. Online poker has been a textbook example of how technology can be harnessed to provide an optimal environment for something that offered less potential in yesteryear. And if you play at Americas Cardroom you’ll find that this popular poker operator is evolving in such a way that players can take full advantage of key stats and info. This is particularly useful if online poker tournaments are your thing.

Americas Cardroom. New PKO schedule.

As well as the standard stats display you might expect to see (or be easily accessible) when playing a multi-player tournament – such as your current position, places paid, add-on chips, rebuy cost and so on – ACR are making more data readily available, too.

ACR Stats: How It Works

The new enhanced stats display will give you access to the average stack size, the number of late registration levels, the Blind structure, add-on cost, prize pool info… You’ll also be able to tailor viewable stats specific to your preferences thanks to a customise facility that features four at-a-glance stats of your choice.

Even without applying your own settings to ACR stats, the default stats window automatically appears on the game screen – on the upper right-hand side – when you first launch a multi-table tournament.

The enhanced stats display is accessed by simply hovering your cursor over the default stats window, and if you wish to keep the display in view, just click on it while it’s active.

With the tournament schedule at Americas Cardroom offering something for everyone, the addition of useful – and customised – stats makes the overall experience too good to miss.

Have fun, and good luck at the tables!