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Take Advantage of Bubble Protection at GGPoker

Take Advantage of Bubble Protection at GGPoker

Imagine the scene: you’ve been slogging away in an online poker tournament for hours, bobbing and weaving and, thanks to some nifty moves, good old-fashioned guts and a bit of help from Lady Luck, you’re got to the point where you’re tantalisingly close to the money. In fact, you’re a mere one place from making a well-deserved cash. Then, in the big blind, it’s checked round to you, and you get to see a Flop of J 8 2 that gifts you a set of eights. You end up not backing away from an all-in showdown with someone who has you covered, they have a set of jacks, and you’re unceremoniously sent to the rail, leaving behind a few dozen players who, due to your elimination, are all guaranteed a prize.

GGPoker Offers Peace of Mind

Regardless of how much you’re to blame for ending a long session empty-handed, it’s one of those unenviable, gut-wrenching low points of poker that we have to live with but would, in an ideal world, avoid if we could. Play at the forward-thinking, user-friendly GGPoker and that’s exactly what you can do! Thanks to their Bubble Protection facility you’re able to protect your real money poker buy-in with exactly this scenario in mind, and all you need to do is show up early for the tournament.

How It Works

It’s easy to arrange. To go about protecting your buy-in, simply find the Bubble Protection stamp in the tournament lobby and make sure that you register before the tournament begins (hence the Early Bird bit). Then you can play with that extra bit of confidence granted you by knowing that your decision-making process won’t be hampered when on the bubble as the business end of the tournament approaches, because you’ll get your buy-in back should you get knocked just outside the payouts.

The following tournaments offer Bubble Protection:

  • Daily Guarantees
  • Bounty Hunters (excluding Speed Racers)
  • Omaholic
  • Chinese Zodiac
GGPoker. Bubble protection.

(Bubble Protection is not available in satellite tournaments). Note that by securing Early Bird Bubble Protection it remains intact even if you re-enter. Rewards are credited to your account when a player is eliminated, and buy-ins are usually compensated in T$ (this might differ based on certain tournaments).

Bubble Protection is just one of many great features at GGPoker introduced with players in mind, so if you haven’t yet signed up, you can do that today and make the most of the latest poker bonus offers … have fun, and good luck!