
Sun, Sea, Poker and Great Prizes at the New PokerListings Ranking Series in Malta

Sun, Sea, Poker and Great Prizes at the New PokerListings Ranking Series in Malta

The world of poker continues to demonstrate how collaborations contribute so effectively to the shared goal, with favourable results all round for those involved. 

We’re proud to report our very own new venture in the form of the shiny new PokerListings Ranking Series, hosted by the fantastic Portomaso Casino, Malta. This latest addition to the already bustling poker scene in Malta is a worthy collaboration involving PokerListings, The Festival Series and the Portomaso, a leading poker venue with a great track record in hosting international poker festivals. One such will be the hotly anticipated leg of The Festival between 15-21 May, 2023, when the Series will come to the popular Mediterranean island and see poker fans in action at the Portomaso Casino in St. Julians. Check out The Festival Series Schedule for the first half 2023.

Starting With a Bang…

The first tournament in the PokerListings Ranking Series was held last Sunday and, by all accounts, was a tremendous success that augurs well for the future. The field of 76 players produced an exciting event, with 107 entries and 31 re-entries. Remarkably – and a testament to both the global popularity of poker and the important role that Malta plays – competitors came from 28 countries!

There’s certainly plenty of incentive to combine a trip to this perfect holiday destination with battling it out in this €130+20 buy-in event. First, there’s the guaranteed prize pool of €5,000. And with the winner being rewarded with a €550 seat to the big money The Festival Malta Main Event and second place a seat to the PokerListings Deepstack in Malta, it comes as no surprise that poker fans around Europe are already planning for this series, which continues with monthly fixtures until April 2023.

Blue The Festival Series banner.

Here’s what those behind the PokerListings Ranking Series had to say. Festival Series founder, Martin “Franke” von Zweigbergk: “Excellent start to our new ranking series at Portomaso Casino. The PokerListings team and The Festival players from different parts of Europe joined the tournament alongside local heroes and even tourists. Poker at its best. Sadly, I busted out one hand after the re-entry period ended… GG, and congratulations to all the winners!”

Jonathan Micallef, on behalf of the hosts, the Portomaso Casino said “This series has been a long time coming since our first collaboration back in 2018. I must admit that the first event turned out well and we can only see increasing numbers in the following events, which will culminate in The Festival Series in May. The event had a very nice atmosphere and interesting play, and it was enjoyed by all players. This further consolidates the synchronicity between both parties. Looking forward to hosting the next one!”

So there you have it! There’s so much more to poker than sitting in your living room during the winter months…