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Share Your Journey to Poker Stardom With a PokerStars Team Pro

Share Your Journey to Poker Stardom With a PokerStars Team Pro

Whether it’s poker, golf, football or any number of interests and passions for sports and games that we might have, we tend to have at least one famous player who we look up to and admire, and perhaps get some kind of inspiration or guidance from by following their example and taking their advice.

The world of poker is so vast, and real money online poker so accessible, that we’re spoilt for choice in this regard, with so many players having become successful after working their way up the ranks. And this is all the more evident and important in poker, because literally anyone can make it to the top or do very well out of the game. Moreover, starting with Freerolls, then micro-stakes Texas Hold’em cash games (maybe delving further into the poker jungle with Omaha), throwing in a Sit & Go period and, ultimately, switching to tournaments to win bigger and bigger prizes is the route that many top players take.

It’s being able to relate to poker stars precisely because we’re at the same early stage of a trajectory they’ve completed that is an important element of poker – something which tends not to be case in other sports and games. Online poker operators are aware of this everyman appeal to poker, and some have been busy in recent years putting together learning materials for those players willing to invest their own time and effort in a bid to improve (as opposed to only playing).    

PokerStars could so easily focus on ‘just’ providing a variety of games as well as funnelling players via online poker tournaments to live poker tournament events (something they do very well, it has to be said!), but if you visit their site you’ll also find available a massive and very impressive range of learning materials that everyone from newcomers and recreational players to seasoned grinders will greatly benefit from investigating. Back to the idea of having a player to ‘follow’, one such is Lex Veldhuis who, having made a very similar journey to poker stardom to that we mentioned above, is a great example of how to navigate the improvement process. He should be commended for the lengths he’ll go to in order to share his experience and wisdom, from inviting would-be champions to literally witness his poker exploits as they happen, to videos and teaching materials aimed at helping other players better understand this rich, complex and fascinating game. Lex isn’t the only Team PokerStars pro offering their thoughts, but he’s certainly a worthy role model.         

How to play a short stack, avoiding mistakes on the river and recognising strength at the table are just three key subjects that can be problematic for countless players, so it’s worth pointing out that these are the very subjects of Lex Veldhuis’s latest contributions to the encyclopaedic PokerStars Learn section that all players should add to their Favourites list.  

Lex Veldhuis - How to pick betting sizes.

Every little helps, as they say, so at PokerListings – aware that players need as much help as they can get if they are to make the most of their poker careers – we strive to point our community in the right direction. Check out the best online poker bonuses and offers in our special info section.

Good luck at the tables, and have fun!