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Secure Your $12 400 WPT World Championship Package – Last Vegas Series Qualifier and Grand Finale!

Secure Your $12 400 WPT World Championship Package – Last Vegas Series Qualifier and Grand Finale!

As we’re approaching 2024 in rapid speed, we can look back on a year filled to the brim with great live poker tournaments and events. Online poker in all its glory, but there are very little things in life that can beat the thrill of playing a big live poker tournament.

However, the 2023 poker year is not over yet. In fact, the year will finish with arguably one of the most legendary poker tournaments of all time: the WPT World Championship. We over at PokerListings launched our Vegas Series earlier this year – probably our best promotion ever – enabling all poker players to win a $12 400 package and thus securing their seat at the WPT World Championship tables. We’ve been following the race with great excitement and joy, and Sunday 26th, it’s time for the grand final. We will finally see who will claim the package – maybe it will be you?

Still Time to Make Your Dream Become Reality!

Since August 17th, the PokerListings Vegas Series have been running over at WPT Global, and many players have been fighting for the prestigious WPT World Championship Package. The championship will be played December 12th-20th at the Wynn, Las Vegas. The prestigious tournament has a Buy-In of $10 400. Except for the Buy-In, the one snatching the package through the Vegas Series will also receive $2 000 to facilitate travel expenses.

During the whole series, players have been hunting leaderboard points by reaching the final table. November 23rd, the last out of the eight qualification tournaments will be played 20:00 CET. When that tournament is finished, the top 27 players on the leaderboard will receive their ticket to the Grand Final, which will be played Sunday 26th 13:00 ET.

If you – for some reason – have not participated in the Vegas Series yet, you shouldn’t be discouraged. With the current leaderboard standings, a good final table finish on the 23rd will give you good chances to qualify for the Grand Final.

The last qualification tournament will, of course, have the same structure as the previous ones. The Buy-In is $20 with unlimited re-entries as well as one Add-On for $10. Don’t forget that the password for the tournament is badabing!

Opportunity of a Lifetime

We’re so proud over this campaign. It feels amazing to offer poker players the opportunity to participate in a big live poker event, and potentially earning some life-changing real money (not mentioning becoming a historic WPT World Championship champion).

The WPT World Championship was played for the first time ever last year, in order to celebrate the 20 years of success for the World Poker Tour. No less than 2 960 players decided to participate in the historic event, and eventually, it was Eliot Hudson who would lift the trophy and take home a $4,1M paycheck.

WPT Global WPT World Championship Eliot Hudson
Eliot Hudson, the winner of the 2022 WPT World Championship.

Maybe this year, the winner will be a PokerListings Vegas Series qualifier. We surely hope so, and thus, we wish good luck to all players participating in the series. This is the last stretch, folks!