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Pratyush Budigga Snags EPT Barca €25k HR, Twitch’s TonkaaaaP 7th

Pratyush Budigga Snags EPT Barca €25k HR, Twitch’s TonkaaaaP 7th

Pratyush Budigga Snags EPT Barca €25k HR, Twitch’s TonkaaaaP 7th

Pratyush Buddiga outlasted 162 entries to win the €25k Single-Day High Roller for €690,275 late last night.

The former Spelling Bee champ overcame a marathon day that included nearly 15 hours of poker.

New Zealand’s David Yan came second and, thanks to a deal that was made three-handed, actually took home €704,755.

Wildly-popular Twitch streamer Parker “TonkaaaaP” Talbot came in seventh for €160,080.

Holz Foiled in Bid for Back-to-Back

Let’s get this out of the way: Fedor Holz did not win the €25k Single-Day High Roller.

Fedor Holz WSOP 2

Fedor didn’t win. Does. Not. Compute.

These days it seems more notable when Holz doesn’t win as he ran over the €50k SHR to win €1.3m earlier this week.

Holz was actually well on his way before finally getting de-railed in 23rd place. He did pick up a nice consolation prize of €46,900 for his efforts. Not bad for a “retired” poker pro.

Meanwhile the final table also included seasoned pros Tobias Reinkemeier, Steve O’Dwyer and Alex Komaromi.

There was a huge Russian contingent in play with Andrey Shatilov, Sergey Lebedev and Dmitry Yurasov all making the final nine.

Here’s a complete look at the results from the €25k Single-Day High Roller (*Reflects a three-way deal):

1. Pratyush Buddiga — €690,275*
2. David Yan — €704,755*
3. Andrey Shatilov — €606,020*
4. Tobias Reinkemeier — €347,650
5. Steve O’Dwyer — €278,900
6. Alex Komaromi — €216,250
7. Parker Talbot — €160,080
8. Sergey Lebedev — €117,640