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PokerListings Vegas Series – That’s a Wrap, Folks!

PokerListings Vegas Series – That’s a Wrap, Folks!

Ever since August 17th, the Vegas Series has been running on WPT Global. This was maybe the greatest promotion we’ve ever had at PokerListings, seeing as the winner would receive a $12 400 package for the WPT World Championship, which will be played 12th-20th of December. Every other Thursday, players aligned in the qualification tournaments hunting important leaderboard points. The ones who claimed the top placements on the leaderboard would secure their place for the Grande Finale on Sunday 26th, where they would battle it out for the top prize.

With the promotion now being concluded, let’s have a look at who became the lucky winner and gets to travel to Las Vegas for the prestigious WPT World Championship!

Koniferum’s Confetti – Next Stop, Las Vegas

All the 21 participators in Sunday’s Grande Finale had fought hard for their seat, and they were all guaranteed some sort of prize. However, only one lucky winner would receive the WPT World Championship package. Considering all of the qualification poker tournaments prior to the Grande Finale had a mere $20 Buy-In (albeit, there was opportunity for unlimited Re-Entries as well as one Add-On), it was quite the prize up for grabs for the eventual winner.

After the dust settled, player “Koniferum” emerged on top. We at PokerListings would like to give you our hugest congratulations, Koniferum! There’s no doubt about it: you’re about to be treated with the poker experience of a life time, and it will truly be a Las Vegas adventure that you’ll never ever forget.

As previously mentioned, the other Grande Finale players were not left empty handed. The rest of the final table players received $200 in tournaments ticket that can be used on WPT Global. The ones who finished on places 10th-18th received exclusive merchandise valued to $125, and the remaining three players got $50 in tournament tickets.

PokerListings Vegas Series – Grande Finale Results:

1.Koniferum$12 400 WPT World Championship Package
2.Adriann$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
3.MaMAFriKKAA$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
4.Velapuerca77$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
5.Hiltim$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
6.Guadis$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
7.Kirei7$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
8.GTOGTFO$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
9.ISolveYou$200 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
10.Mikirurk109$125 Merchandise
11.Shougg$125 Merchandise
12.ImBones$125 Merchandise
13.Deflaatio$125 Merchandise
14.Hannahbanana$125 Merchandise
15..Didico$125 Merchandise
16.Newlifer$125 Merchandise
17.Imsolucky$125 Merchandise
18.Gnosh27$125 Merchandise
19.TheKKing23$50 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
20.Kairaaja$50 WPT Global Tournament Tickets
21.FayeValentin$50 WPT Global Tournament Tickets

Las Vegas, We’re Ready for You!

With the WPT World Championship being a mere two weeks away, Koniferum would be very wise to start packing his bags. The WPT World Championship will be played at the Wynn Las Vegas, and it feels like it will be the perfect culmination of the 2023 poker year. Last year, the Main Event had a $15M GTD which was the largest guarantee in live poker tournament history. Global Poker also awarded them with the title “Best Poker Event of the Year”. We’ll surely be on the edge of our seats following all the action from the Wynn.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the PokerListings Vegas Series, and thanks to WPT Global for a great collaboration!