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Player-Friendly PokerStars Strives for Perfection

Player-Friendly PokerStars Strives for Perfection

While a big part of our raison d’etre at PokerListings is to constantly keep our community of poker fans up to date regarding the latest online poker bonuses and offers and so on, it’s also important to look into all aspects of real money online poker so that players are well informed about how the industry works.

However slick online poker operators have become in their respective quests to carve out their share of an ever-competitive market, there’s always room for improvement and change. Technology is such nowadays that we take the online poker experience for granted as we enjoy traditional Texas Hold’em cash games or go on a four-hole-cards Omaha rollercoaster. But the endeavours and hard work of those behind the scenes who make playing the game so much effortless fun (other than the decisions we need to make hand after hand!) tend to go unappreciated.

The well-known PokerStars is so popular that it is one of the very few online poker providers that is known to non-players. We could be forgiven for thinking that those at the helm of the ship would rest on their laurels, but they continually strive to provide an optimum and – crucially – user-friendly product, which entails keeping a permanently close eye on proceedings. In fact, it’s this attention to detail, as well as a willingness to see not only what works, but what doesn’t, that contributes to the PokerStars success story continuing.    

To this end, PokerStars periodically brings about a rafter of new features as well as adjustments to old ones, and generally lifts the hood to check that the engine is running smoothly, as it were. To elaborate on that theme, it’s fair to say that many would describe PokerStars as the Rolls Royce of poker rooms thanks to the operator being around for so long and consequently building a well-earned reputation for top quality and reliability.

PokerStars Mobile Widget.

Here’s a brief rundown of a few recent tweaks that have been carried out at PokerStars (a mix of Desktop and Mobile updates) in their quest for poker perfection:  

  • A statistics ‘widget’ has been added to The Rail to provide players with more information about the games they have played (note that this was initially introduced in the UK, with a gradual expansion rollout to other countries to follow
  • Redesigned tournament results displayed at the end of tournaments
  • Find new knockout animations at the table on eliminating an opponent in Bounty tournaments
  • Redesigned Spin & Go lobby
  • Game type now displayed for Mixed Games in the collapsed state of the tournament information widget
  • Several additional improvements to the tournament information widget
  • Increased size of emoji images displayed in the Chat bubbles
  • The table rail can be updated to a range of colour options
  • Detailed tournament information displayed at the table by clicking the new ‘i’ icon
  • Players can define custom betting buttons for both pre- and post-flop
Improved Tournament Display at PokerStars.

Considering that this is just a selection of the many updates and adjustments since late 2022, it goes to show how much the PokerStars machine is being monitored and maintained. Hopefully, the next time you sit down to play a Sit & Go or a multi-table online poker tournament you’ll marvel at the level of work that goes into providing such an entertaining, well-run platform.

Have fun at the tables, and good luck!  

*Any mention of a bonus or discussion of such terms is not in relation to the province of Ontario.