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Play the 50/50 Series at PokerStars

Play the 50/50 Series at PokerStars

Everybody who takes up real money online poker will, over time, try out all sorts of games and formats. A typical path might be to start off with, for example, Texas Hold’em cash games, maybe trying out the more volatile Omaha along the way, dip the proverbial toe into Sit & Go games and, inevitably, venture into the thrills and spills of online poker tournaments in one guise or another.

Given that there are a number of tournament types to choose from nowadays, it’s not always easy for online poker operators to find a balance and please everyone, especially when some formats can be more/less popular than others. PokerStars are doing their bit with the latest 50/50 Series offering, which is still going and has a lot to tempt us with in the form of very tasty prize pools and a nice selection of formats.

Interestingly, while all are $50 buy-in tournaments, the prize pools aren’t the same, ranging from $15,000 to $500,000 (see below). There’s a mix of formats, so whatever your experience, whether it’s with the good old-fashioned standard set-up or the fashionable (and great fun!) Progressive Knockout (PKO) tourney, you’ll be spoilt for choice.

The Marathon, for example, takes place on 9 February, has a prize pool of $35,000 and a Slow, 12-minute Blind structure befitting of the event’s name. If you want to see the action build up at a less leisurely pace there are Semi-Turbo (7-minute Blinds) and Turbo structures to dive into, while adrenaline-seekers can ride a Hyper poker rollercoaster that starts with already quick 5-minute Blind levels and soon steps up a gear to 3-minute Blinds for the rest of the frenzy…      

4-way All-In on PokerStars.

The 50/50 Series itself culminates in a mouth-watering feast on 12 February, with three tournaments each featuring a $100,000 guarantee, one with $125,000 on offer and a PKO format Main Event that promises at least $500,000 in payouts!

I’d hope that, after reading about the 50/50 Series, there’s a much better than 50/50 chance that any poker fan worth their proverbial salt would be jumping right in to the tournaments… Have fun at the tables, and good luck!  

*Any mention of a bonus or discussion of such terms is not in relation to the province of Ontario.