Daily Poker News & Updates – Page №136
Daily 3-Bet: Norwegian Bikini Poker, Lex < Ivey, Which Hand 101 April 11, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes and a 106-mile, sunglasses-aided night drive to afternoon poker news Chicago. Got a tip…
Daily 3-Bet: Hellmuth Bestie, Booth Testy, 10 Essential Poker Books April 10, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a sunny afternoon, an answer do and a heartwarming ride on an afternoon poker news bicycle built for two. Got a tip for a future…
The Characters of Poker: Stuart Rutter April 10, 2014
If you’ve ever sat down at a poker table – even for a few minutes – you know just how wide a range of characters you’ll find in this game.…
Niki Jedlicka: “Everything Less Than $100k Was Like Play Money to Me” March 30, 2014
Vienna-based high-stakes poker player Niki “KaiBuxxe/RealAndyBeal” Jedlicka is a living legend in the German-speaking poker scene. In 2007 he made $3.5 million profit in just five months playing online high…
Philipp Gruissem: “I’m Most Useful to the World as a Poker Player” March 28, 2014
Philipp Gruissem has been at the forefront of the sudden German dominance of the super high-roller poker scene, but he’s in it for more than just money. Or rather Gruissem…
What are the Odds the Chip Leader Wins at EPT Final Tables? March 28, 2014
We all know that coming into the final table of any poker tournament as the chip leader is the optimal place to be to win. Or is it? And just…
Daily 3-Bet: Quads > Quads, 12-Hour Xuan, Marvin Negs Shot Clock March 27, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is new set of chair beads, some cheap trucker speed and a wide-open stretch of afternoon poker news blacktop clear to the horizon. Got a tip…
Crimean Poker: Putin Bets, Europe to Act, Poker Pros Weigh In March 27, 2014
Most poker players – and particularly younger players – live in a semi-permanent, hermetically sealed poker bubble. Play poker. Watch poker. Talk poker. Travel for poker. Sleep (occasionally). Repeat. And…
Virtual Reality Poker: Oculus Rift Support Coming? March 27, 2014
Could the new Oculus Rift virtual reality headset change the way we experience online poker? It’s not out of the question as the Rift represents perhaps the biggest leap in…
Daily Poker 3-Bet: Merson Cash Splash, Action Bowling, Spot the Liar March 25, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a freshly oiled lane, a new pair of two-tones and the perfect spin on the afternoon poker news turkey ball. Got a tip for a…
Gus Hansen: “I Probably Have Worst Game Selection in the World” March 24, 2014
It’s not easy being Gus Hansen, poker player, these days. Deep in the throes of a $17m downswing online, moments of respite on and off the felt – including non-poker…
Is it Time to Ban Chris Ferguson and Howard Lederer For Good? March 19, 2014
With rumors circling that Chris “Jesus” Ferguson is considering a return to action at this year’s World Series of Poker, it’s time to ask the big question: “Should Ferguson (and…
Why Bayern Munich Boss Uli Hoeneß Belongs in Poker March 18, 2014
If you don’t know who Uli Hoeneß is, you’re probably not a soccer fan. If you do recognize the name then you likely know the Bayern Munich football club boss…
Rant: If You Want to Stereotype Me for Playing Poker, Up Yours March 16, 2014
What’s your opinion on the man who wakes up and has a bottle of beer with his egg on toast? I bet you think he has a problem. Theoretically speaking,…
Daily 3-Bet: Trickett Thrashing, Luongo Goldmine, Poker After Dwan March 14, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a pair of oversized pads, a lightning quick glove hand and an unbeatable butterfly in the afternoon poker news skills competition. Got a tip for…
Schleger: “Everyone is a Functioning Drug User to Some Degree” March 13, 2014
Shane Schleger may be transitioning out of the poker world but he’s never been more prominent thanks to a controversial piece he wrote about drug use for Slate Magazine. In…
Daily 3-Bet: Idle Ivey, Wistful Marafioti, Bay 101 Booming March 11, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a rolling camera, a pushy producer and a regrettable nightclub incident during afternoon poker news pilot season. Got a tip for a future 3-Bet? Drop…
Rant: The WPT’s New Shot Clock is Exactly What Poker Needs March 9, 2014
Poker can be boring. Excruciatingly and mind-numbingly boring. If you’re unlucky enough to be seated on a table of mutes then you’re in for one hell of a dour day.…
Daily 3-Bet: Defending Adelstein, Inspiring Shaniac, Holy Macau March 3, 2014
The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a comfy pair of sweatpants, an endless supply of bubble tea and 48 hours stacking plaques at the afternoon poker news big game. Got a…
Rant: Have We Got This Poker Sponsorship Thing All Wrong? March 2, 2014
Have we gotten this poker-pro sponsorship thing all wrong? Are we sponsoring the wrong people? And are we using these people to attract the wrong sort of clientele? I think…