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€5,500,000 GTD Bounty Hunter Series: Gladiators Edition is running at RedStar Poker from October 27th to November 13th

€5,500,000 GTD Bounty Hunter Series: Gladiators Edition is running at RedStar Poker from October 27th to November 13th

The Bounty Hunter Series schedule includes over 900 tournaments with buy-ins ranging from €3 to €500. Here is the information about the largest tournaments, missions, and leaderboards.

Main Events of the Bounty Hunter Series: Gladiators Edition

The series’ main events will feature multi-flight formats (Days 1 run multiple times a day until November 11th inclusive).

  • €250 COLOSSEUM CUP (H) €200K GTD
  • €50 COLOSSEUM CUP (M) €100K GTD
  • €10 COLOSSEUM CUP (L) €50K GTD

There are also two multi-flight tournaments for micro-stakes players:

  • €2 CENTURIA PKO €20K GTD (Days 1 until November 11th)
  • €4 MINI MYSTERIUM €20K GTD (Days 1 until November 10th)

Main events for Omaha players include:

  • €25 MYSTERIUM OMAHA €10K GTD (Days 1 until November 11th)
  • €7.5 MINI MYSTERIUM OMAHA €7.5K GTD (Days 1 until November 10th)

The series’ largest single-day event, €150 ARENA APERTOR €100K GTD, begins every Sundays at 16:30 GMT.

Bounty Hunter Series: Gladiators Edition Missions

The series includes 10 missions, with BHS tournament tickets and freeroll tickets as rewards. Opt in under the Missions tab. Each mission completion awards 1 ticket max. Freerolls will be held on November 14th, 2024.

The Conquest I Revenue MissionEarn 1000 points (€100 in rake)€5 BHS 01-H Step Ticket
The Conquest II Revenue MissionEarn 5000 points (€500 in rake)€25 BHS 01-H Sat Ticket
The Conquest III Revenue MissionEarn 10000 points (€1,000 in rake)€50 BHS 01-M Ticket
The Conquest IV Revenue MissionEarn 50000 points (€5,000 in rake)€250 BHS 01-H Ticket
THE TRIUMPHANT MissionMake 10 ITMs in 10 BHS events€25 BHS 01-H Sat Ticket
MAIN ARENAQualify into Day-2 of BHS 01-H COLOSSEUM CUP DAY-2€7,500 BHS Missions Freeroll Ticket
Satellite MissionPlay 5 BHS satellites (min. €0.50 buy-in)€7,500 BHS Missions Freeroll Ticket
COLOSSEUM PASS MissionPlay Day-1 of all 3 BHS 01 Flighted Events€7,500 BHS Missions Freeroll Ticket
ARENA APPRENTICEKO 15 players in BHS PKO tournaments€7,500 BHS Missions Freeroll Ticket
SPARTACUS CHALLENGE MissionKO 30 players in BHS PKO tournaments€2,000 BHS SPARTACUS Freeroll Ticket

Battle of Gladiators Daily Revenue Missions

Earn daily rake for additional rewards, including freeroll tickets and General tournament tickets.

For example, if you generate €5 in rake or fees for 1 day, you will receive a €0.2 General tournament ticket; over 5 days — €250 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket; over 10 days — €500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket, and so on. The required rake, number of days, and rewards are listed in the table.

Daily Rake & Fee generated1 Day5 Days10 Days14 Days18 Days
€5€0.2 General tournament ticket €250 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket
€10€250 Gladiators Daily FR ticket€500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€5 General tournament ticket 
€20€500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€5 General tournament ticket €5 General tournament ticket 
€50€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€5 General tournament ticket €10 General tournament ticket €10 General tournament ticket 
€100€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR ticket€5 General tournament ticket €10 General tournament ticket €20 General tournament ticket €10 General tournament ticket 
€200€5 General tournament ticket €10 General tournament ticket €20 General tournament ticket €40 General tournament ticket €20 General tournament ticket 

General tickets are valid for 7 days.

Freeroll Schedule

DateDay (GMT)Tournament
27/10/2024 to 14/11/2024Daily 16:05€250 Gladiators Daily FR
03/11/2024 & 10/11/2024Sunday 16:05€500 Battle of Gladiators FR
14/11/2024Thursday 16:05€500 Battle of Gladiators FR
03/11/2024 & 10/11/2024Sunday 16:05€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR
14/11/2024Thursday 16:05€1,000 Battle of Gladiators FR
15/11/2024Friday 16:05€1,500 Battle of Gladiators FR

Bounty Hunter Series: Gladiators Edition Leaderboards

There are 3 daily leaderboards and 1 overall leaderboard for the series.

  • BHS Optio (Daily) for tournaments from €1 to €15. Top 50 receive prizes; first place gets a €30 ticket.
  • BHS Centurion (Daily) for tournaments from €20 to €70. Top 25 receive prizes; first place gets a €50 ticket.
  • BHS Primus Pilus (Daily) for tournaments from €100 to €500. Top 20 receive prizes; first place gets a €100 ticket.
  • BHS Gladius (Overall) for tournaments from €2. Top 150 receive prizes; first place gets two €250 tickets.

Avatar Hunt Gladiator

Unlock an exclusive Avatar & Emoticon pack by completing missions. Opt in to participate.

2D AvatarPlay 5 hands in any game
3D AvatarGenerate €1 in rake and fees
Table AnimationsPlay a BHS Event (min. €1 buy-in, satellites excluded)
EmoticonsKO a player in any BHS KO events