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How partypoker Finds a Fair Play Balance

How partypoker Finds a Fair Play Balance

As technology continues to develop and, in turn, deliver more and more in terms of possibility, the world of real money online poker also evolves. This, of course, brings with it all manner of advancements and complex player aids that ultimately serve to enhance the overall online poker experience even further.

The main aim for operators is – obviously – to make the game as enjoyable as possible for poker fans so that new players are attracted to and (ideally) remain with them… and so the eco-system ticks along nicely.

However, along the way it’s imperative that there’s a balance in terms of protecting customers – particularly the hobbyists who make up the majority of players – in whatever way possible. And, remember, this has to be done across the board, whether it’s Texas Hold’em and Omaha cash games, Sit & Go games, online poker tournaments and everything else on offer.

Finding an optimal environment that achieves this while maintaining a certain level of choice, flexibility and practicability for players is never easy. One online poker room that continues to successfully tread this thin line is the ever-popular partypoker.

Maintaining a level playing field is a never-ending task which we, as players, tend not to appreciate as much as we probably should. An important and often contentious issue is that of the various information-based software tools that, when used in real time, have the potential to afford players a decisive edge over opponents who don’t use them.

Poker Software: How partypoker Finds a Balance

Not all online poker rooms deal with players using software tools in the same way, with some being more strict than others, and some arguably too liberal. It’s interesting that partypoker does indeed find a balance of sorts in that, while fair and legitimate use isn’t discouraged, it’s nevertheless prohibited during actual play. Note that, just to be clear, so that players are suitably pre-warned of the consequences of breaking the rules, partypoker lists the software that is and isn’t accepted when the client is running.

partypoker software robot.

However, just because players shouldn’t have an unfair advantage in play, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they shouldn’t be able to put these tools to use to study and subsequently improve their game – it could be seen as unfair on those players willing to put the work in to deny them the opportunity to maximally use any information they can glean from time spent at the tables.  

Download Hand Histories via Mygame

It turns out that partypoker doesn’t want to spoil the party, after all… They appreciate that hand histories can be very helpful indeed and, with that in mind, have a special function in MyGame that allows players to import hand histories directly into tools such as Holdem Manager or PokerTracker for use away from the tables.

Importantly, all downloadable hand histories are anonymised so that the aliases of opponents are hidden – the focus is on actual gameplay data only, which you can analyse to your heart’s content!

Good luck at the tables, and have fun working on your game…