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Guarantee DOUBLED at PokerStars Road to PSPC Philadelphia

Guarantee DOUBLED at PokerStars Road to PSPC Philadelphia

We’re so used to poker tournaments having a guaranteed prize pool that we tend not to think of the significance of such a set-up but, for the organisers and hosts, it’s a big deal. All the more pleasurable it must be, then, when the guarantee for a big event is not only safely covered, but massively so.

The recent PokerStars Road to PSPC Philadelphia event enjoyed exactly that success. Amassing an amazing 1,598 entries, the tournament, which had an original guarantee of $200,000 up for grabs, exceeded this to the point that, when the proverbial dust had settled, the prize pool had increased to an enormous $487,390!

As well as the money on offer, the players were battling it out for a much sought-after Platinum Pass to the mega-bucks PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold’em Championship (PSPC) in the Bahamas in January (see below). In this particular leg of the Road to PSPC, it was New Jersey resident, Vladimir Grechnikov who emerged as the big winner, adding the bumper Platinum Pass package to the first prize of $60,000!

Vladimir Grechnikov goes deep.
Vladimir Grechnikov

As professions go, they don’t come much more adventurous than being a deepsea fisherman, and it’s fitting that Vladimir, 34, managed to go deeper into the tournament than all his rivals. In his own words: “Incredible man, I have no words for this, I’m totally speechless, this is a dream come true”. Incidentally, Vladimir’s route to poker success is an inspiring one that certainly resonates: “I watched my friend’s dad quit his job and start playing professionally, and I picked up a few books of my own, played a couple of small tournaments in basements and started playing online poker, and took it from there.” This is what’s great about poker – it’s the ultimate everyman (and everywoman) game.

For those of you seeking glory (or, simply, a fantastic poker luxury holiday in the sun), the next stop on the Road to PSPC is at Pittsburgh Live! (starting 27th October) where another Platinum Pass will be awarded alongside piles of cash.

Platinum Pass Package Worth $30,000

The Platinum Pass package that books your place in January 2023 at the luxury Baha Mar Hotel in the wonderful Bahamas is worth a whopping $30,000, and includes the following:

  • $25,000 Buy-in to the PSPC
  • Six nights at a 5-star hotel for the winner and a guest
  • Airport transfer
  • $1,900 in expenses
  • Platinum Pass Winner experiences during the event

Inspired? You should be…

*Any mention of a bonus or discussion of such terms is not in relation to the province of Ontario.