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Fortune Favours the All-in With All-in Fortune at GGPoker

Fortune Favours the All-in With All-in Fortune at GGPoker

Anyone who enjoys the excitement of real money online poker – however much they might claim that it’s not the money but the ‘taking part’ that counts – can’t help but have their interest piqued by the prospect of winning big chunks of cash.

Thanks to a fun-filled promotion at GGPoker there’s now even more reason to throw your proverbial hat into the ring and play All-in or Fold games at this user-friendly online poker room.   

With the introduction of All-In Fortune it’s possible to win huge prizes – and you don’t even have to win a hand!

What Is All-in or Fold Poker?

As the name suggests, with All-in or Fold – available for both Hold’em and Omaha – you must immediately choose between two simple, fundamental options, namely will you shove all-in or fold. It’s straight into the action with no additional decision-making. Note that as well as the maximum initial buy-in being 8 big blinds, you are allowed to remove any chips beyond that amount.

All-in Fortune: How It Works

Now Omaha fans can take advantage of the potential tasty payouts offered up by All-in Fortune, as each time a player goes all-in, a Jackpot shakes and, if Lady Luck is on your side, you could bag the hefty prize even if you don’t win the hand!

Bag of coins at GGPoker.

Given that each relevant Omaha table features the All-In Fortune Jackpot, everyone shoving all-in gets a chance to win big. Importantly, the jackpot edges closer and closer to being hit the more times players go all-in, so with going all-in representing half of the options available, you’re chances of striking it lucky increase the longer you play… and remember that you don’t have to win the hand.

When the All-In Fortune jackpot stars to crack, coins spill out and you’ll receive your reward instantly. And it could be big!

GGPoker All-in fortune jackpot.

The size of each All-In Fortune is determined at random and is also related to the buy-in level of the game. The higher the stakes, the higher the potential payout, but regardless of the stakes the prize is well worth winning. Note that each buy-in includes a fixed fee that contributes to the jackpot pool.

Have fun at the AoF tables, and may fortune favour the all-in…