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Follower Friday: Livestreaming Legend Joe “ChicagoJoey” Ingram

Follower Friday: Livestreaming Legend Joe “ChicagoJoey” Ingram

Follower Friday: Livestreaming Legend Joe “ChicagoJoey” Ingram

Almost every poker player uses social media, but not everyone is good at it.

For every Daniel Negreanu there are plenty of players who only post chip counts or update once a year.

We decided it was time to dig into our list of Twitter followers and learn more about a few of the poker personalities who provide a lot of value to the community.

We’re going to start with Joe “ChicagoJoey” Ingram.

Ingram is renowned for being a PLO grinding machine and live streaming his sessions as well as running a podcast that includes various poker pro guests.

Ingram is also well known for crazy prop bets and his most recent one might have been his most audacious ever as he attempted to turn 3,000 to 20,000,000… in play-money chips. In 24 hours.

He nearly succeeded too. In other words he’s a good follow and here’s a quick Q&A with the man behind the account: In your opinion what makes for a good follow on Twitter?

Joe Ingram: I’ve put a bunch of thought into this because I want to try to make my Twitter a bit of everything.

I try to tweet things out that I might discuss or bring up on my podcasts and livestreams to try to form a narrative that everyone might not get or understand but I know the bigger fans of my stuff will enjoy.

In general I think someone voicing something unique or a bit outside of the box is the type of person I enjoy paying more attention to. The more pictures/videos/vines the better. 

PL: What do you actually use Twitter for? How important is it for poker?

joe and doug polk

Doug Polk and Joe Ingram. Photo: Twitter

Twitter is by far my favorite social media platform because it is so easy to communicate with a mass number of people at one time. I use Twitter to talk to my friends, podcast viewers, aspiring poker players and random dance music people.

It seems of late it has turned pretty poker focused which might turn some people off but I think it’s the best way to go about it right now as I get more into YouTube. I think it depends on what you view as important in poker.

For most people I don’t think it’s important at all if your main focus is to get better at poker and grind. If you enjoy hearing more from your peers or high-stakes guys and are possibly interested in building a network I think it can be very important for that. 

PL: Your recent play-money challenge was remarkable. Were you surprised by the response to it?

Haha thanks 🙂 It was something random I came up with during a livestream and away I went, probably to my downfall. I didn’t expect it to be of much interest outside of regular viewers but it blew up pretty good and in the process I found a marketing idea I could use to my advantage in the future.

I hope whatever prop bet I choose to do next is as enjoyable as the play money one was for people to follow. 

PL: Any advice for poker players who want to livestream their own challenges?

I think livestreaming is great. It provides entertainment for poker fans out there and that world of people is so huge. You sometimes forget that there are so many people who really love watching and playing poker when you become immersed in hours grinding at the table.

I would make a Twitch or YouTube, come up with a challenge and get to streaming it. Promoting it on the message boards you visit often assuming you have built up some type of reputation on there will work well for getting people to come.

I think this whole idea is in the infancy stage of taking place and at some point people won’t be bothered to pay attention to the same old boring type of challenges, but for right now 🙂

PL: Who inspires you as a poker player?

Joe Ingram Sean

Sean Lefort in a Google hangout with Joe Ingram

This is an interesting question, I’ve been thinking about if anyone in the world inspires me as of late. I think the poker player who inspires me the most to be a better overall person is Sean Lefort.

I had him on my podcast twice and the way he handles himself/lives his life is pretty great to see. I think most people probably ASPIRE to be like the high-stakes end bosses but actually don’t get that much inspiration from those people. 

PL: Is PLO the future or will it always be a bit too complex for the average player?

I hope PLO is the future! I think the game is so much fun for recreational and professionals alike. I don’t think it’s too complex for the average player at all.

I’ve talked to so many players over the past few months who lost the love and desire to play NLHE. They started playing PLO and they can’t believe they waited so long to try it.

PL: How do you deal with haters?

Dealing with haters can be fun. I’ve used most of them as a source of motivation in the past with great success. As of late I really don’t get much hating going on but when I do I usually don’t say much back or I try to make a joke.

I still get defensive from time to time but I don’t feel like I have as much to prove as I used to which helps me forget about it after a couple of minutes instead of engaging in some type of back/forth. 

PL: What’s your proudest achievement in poker?

I think my proudest achievement is the time I played 450k hands in a month of PLO and won my SuperNova Elite prop bet. That moment in my life was really make or break for me.

If i was able to succeed it might springboard me but if I failed I’m not sure what would have happened. In real time I was aware how important it was for me to do it and as I had hoped it put me in a great place to go on a monster upswing!

PL: Anything in particular you want to accomplish in poker?

I think goals and dreams are great to have in poker but I think most of my dreams I’ve already accomplished. I think at this point it’s about finding a way to stick around for the long term rather then get to the highest stakes possible and make the most money possible as fast as I can.

I think my goals and dreams are now focused on the entertainment side of things and helping to promote poker/PLO as much as I can. I think there is a big lack of entertaining content being put out there in the poker world and hopefully I can help add a bit more joy to the poker grind of people out there.

You can follow Ingram on Twitter @Joeingram1 or go directly to his YouTube channel at