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Daily 3-Bet: Isildur Speaks, durrrr Leaks, Negreanu Master

Daily 3-Bet: Isildur Speaks, durrrr Leaks, Negreanu Master

Daily 3-Bet: Isildur Speaks, durrrr Leaks, Negreanu Master

The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a three-tiered, high-top fade lovingly shaped out in the afternoon poker news barbershop.

Any suggestions for a future 3-Bet, feel free to leave a note in the comments.

Today in the 3-Bet we find the elusive Isildur1 ducking a haircut question, Tom “durrrr” Dwan exposing a few leaks and Daniel Negreanu giving his weekly master class in media relations.

1) Isildur1: Don’t Ask Me About My Hair

Media opportunities with Viktor “Isildur1” Blom are few and far between (we’ve been stymied countless times at live events) so it was great to see the elusive pro answer a few questions in a new interview with PocketFives.

Viktor Blom

Finally left the flock of seagulls.

Among the topics covered were his recent SCOOP wins, his first World Series of Poker on the horizon, his interest in the $1m Big One (he won’t play) and the current state of online cash games.

One question he wouldn’t answer anything about? His hair cut:

PocketFives: We saw you cut your hair. Who suggested you trim it and how big of a change has that been for you?

Viktor Blom: Next question!

While it’s great to see Isildur reaching out a bit to his fans, as you’ll see in the interview there’s undoubtedly still a tentativeness to his replies.

Whether it’s just a desire to keep his life private, his Swedish sense of lagom or a lingering discomfort with the media, it’ll be interesting to see how Blom handles the more intense spotlight of the WSOP this summer.

Everybody wants a piece of the great Isildur1 – but will they get it?

2) durrrr Breaks Down Pros, Calls Schwartz’s Game Goofy

Speaking of online poker ingénues, Tom “durrrr” Dwan – he of some famously awkward interviews in his early years – has really been stepping up his media game over the last few years.

Making an appearance on Fox TV post-Black Friday to answer some (albeit ignorant) Ponzi scheme allegations was a big step, and even if it didn’t come off perfectly it showed a maturity and willingness to step up and be a positive voice in poker.

He’ll always be a bit uncomfortable, sure, but you have to respect him for being more available to the media and letting his personality show a bit more.

Following his interview with Tatjana Pasalic at the Manila Millions posted yesterday, an interview from the Premier League set in Vienna popped up today and again shows a new, more open durrrr.

In this one he leaks a few secrets on the games of his Premier League tablemates. It’s great – and not just because he calls Luke Schwartz’s game goofy. Clip below:

3) Negreanu Gives Master Class, Calls Jeffrey Pollock Names

There may have been a time when Daniel Negreanu was uncomfortable with the media, but it seems almost impossible to believe.

His opinions aren’t always popular, and he’s by no means above reproach, but there’s no denying his outspoken and generally jovial nature for the last decade – both in the media and at the tables – has positioned him as the most powerful poker player in the game today.

Check Negreanu’s weekly rant below for his usual poker banter and some imaginative bleepity bleeps: