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Complete Guide to the GGPoker Honeymoon Missions

Complete Guide to the GGPoker Honeymoon Missions

GGPoker has one of the best poker bonus systems for new customers. New players receive a match bonus of up to $600 with their first deposit, a welcome package in the form of several tournament tickets (total value $200) and can win another $350 in the so-called Honeymoon Challenge. In this article we take a look at the Honeymoon promotion, explain how it works and how to get the most money out of it.

How the Honeymoon Promotion for Newcomers works on GGPoker

New players have time to complete a total of 30 missions during their first 30 days on GGPoker. Some of the missions are almost trivially easy, others can be mastered with a little diligence and a few are extremely difficult.

Once you have successfully completed a certain number of missions, you will receive tickets to specific tournaments, cash or tournament dollars as a gift (you can use these for any tournaments).

Important: You have to activate the Honeymoon Challenge within the first seven days of signing up, otherwise this option will expire. You can easily activate the challenge in the GGPoker lobby.

Honeymoon Challenge Rewards

If you successfully complete a certain number of missions, you will receive these rewards:

32 x $0.50 AoF Sit&Go Ticket$1
51 x $2.50 Satellite Ticket$2.50
710 x $0.50 AoF Sit&Go Ticket$5
101 x $5 Satellite Ticket$5
231 x $50 Ticket$50
251 x $52.50 Ticket$52.50

The tournament tickets are usually for tournaments in the Global MILLION$ series.

In total, if a player completes all 30 missions, he can collect $350. Realistically, however, most players can expect to complete 27 to 29 missions at the most unless they’re very lucky. We will explain why in the next section. But even so, this promo is still worth $200.

Honeymoon Challenge Missions

Every day you receive a new mission and have 24 hours to complete it. These are (as of 2025) the 30 missions in the Honeymoon Challenge:

1Play 50 Hands Hold’emvery simple
2Play 50 hands Omahavery simple
3Play 70 hands AoFvery simple
4Play 10 hands Spin & Goldsvery simple
5Play 50 hands Short Deckvery simple
6Straddle in Hold’emvery simple
7Play 100 hands Rush & Cashsimple
8Hit 5x multiplier in a Spin & Gold gamemedium
9Hit 3x multiplier in a Spin & Gold gamesimple
10Get Aces in AoFsimple
11Play no-look all-invery simple
12Play 30 Spin & Goldsmedium
13Play Daily Guarantee Tournamentvery simple
14Win with a Full Housesimple
15Play 100 hands Short Decksimple
16Play 200 hands Rush & Cashsimple
17Win with a flush in AoFsimple
18Get Aces in Hold’emsimple
19Play 300 hands AoFmedium
20Play 500 hands Rush & Cashmedium
21Play 300 hands of Hold’emmedium
22Play 50 Spin & Goldsmedium
23Win with Quads at Omahadifficult
24Play 300 Hands Omahamedium
25Play 500 hands AoFmedium
26Win a Bounty Hunter MTTvery difficult
27Play 500 hands of Rush & Cashmedium
28Hit 10x multiplier in a Spin & Gold gameextremely difficult
29Play 700 hands Rush & Cashmedium
30Win AoF Jackpotextremely difficult

The first missions are all very easy – you just have to play a few different variations. The first time it gets a bit more difficult is on day 8, when you have to play a 5x multiplier in a Spin & Gold. This only happens in 8.5% of all spins played.

From day 19 onwards, the missions become noticeably more difficult, as you have to play several hundred hands or dozens of tournaments. However, all this can be achieved with a little diligence.

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The Three Most Difficult GGPoker Missions

Three missions are very difficult in the Honeymoon Challenge of GGPoker. These are the three missions:

  • Day 26 (Win a Bounty Hunter MTT): The mission requires nothing less than winning an entire online poker tournament. The trick here is to simply play all the Bounty Hunter tournaments available that day. Especially during the weekdays, some are running with less than 100 players and then you have a semi-realistic chance of winning one.
  • Day 28 (Hit 10x multiplier in a Spin & Gold game): Ultimately, the Day 28 task is all about diligence, but can be very frustrating. All you have to do is play quite a few Spin & Golds. The chance of hitting a 10x multiplier is 0.52 percent. If you play 100 Spin & Golds, you have a 40% chance of hitting such a multiplier. With 200 Spin & Golds the probability is 65% and with 300 Spin & Golds it is 79%. But you can also be unlucky. The probability of not hitting a 10x multiplier after 500 Spin & Golds is still around 7%.
  • Day 30 (Win AoF Jackpot): For the All-In-or-Fold games at GGPoker there is a jackpot that is paid out if you hit a straight flush (Hold’em) or royal flush (Omaha). The probability of hitting a straight flush in Hold’em in one hand is 0.0279%. That means you have to be very lucky to win this jackpot on the 30th day of the Honeymoon Challenge.

Tips for the GGPoker Honeymoon Challenge

Realistically, you should be prepared not to complete all the missions and treat the challenge as a $200 challenge. The really valuable rewards only come with 20 or more successfully completed missions. This means that in order to properly profit from this promo, you should definitely complete all the easy missions in the first few days. Then you have a small buffer in case you fail one of the later missions.

It’s not unrealistic to complete 25 missions if you invest a little time – very few missions take more than an hour if you’re willing to play multiple tables. And for 25 successful missions, there are already rewards worth a total of $200 – a bonus not to be despised at all.

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