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Win a $12,500 WSOP Package for Just $2 w/ 888poker BLAST!

Win a $12,500 WSOP Package for Just $2 w/ 888poker BLAST!

Win a $12,500 WSOP Package for Just $2 w/ 888poker BLAST!

The World Series of Poker is careening towards the back half and that means the Main Event is drawing closer every day.

Have you tried to qualify for it yet?

If you haven’t, this is the last weekend you can still win a $12,500 WSOP Main Event prize package only on 888poker. And you can now do it for just $2.

Last Chance to Qualify!

There’s only one platform that can give you the chance to play the Main without paying $10,000 out of your pocket – 888poker. 888poker has several different ways to qualify, two of which are still in operation.

2 dollar blast main event prize

1) $12,500 package for $2!

Go to the BLAST section of the 888poker lobby and select the $2 buy-in level. If you hit the jackpot, you’ll be playing for a full $12,500 WSOP main event package!

This means one 6-minute tournament at a 4-max table with a trip to the World Series and a possible life changer on the line. This is the one WSOP promotion you can’t afford to miss.

This offer expires this weekend so hurry up and hit the BLAST tables! The $2 for $12,500 BLAST tables will stop running at 3 PM CET on Sunday, June 25.

2) The Steps System

Every Steps tournament on 888poker can satellite you into the next level. You can enter at any of these buy-in levels – 1c/10c/$1/$5/$30/$160 and $1,050, which is the actual direct qualifier for the main event package.

The $12,500 WSOP packages awarded in the direct qualifiers includes luxury accommodation, expenses, parties and, of course, the WSOP Main Event buy-in.

The final 2017 WSOP $1,050 direct satellite runs on Sunday, June 25, at 10.30 PM CET. Lower-level satellites run round the clock until then so check the lobby for the one you want to enter.

Main Event Begins July 8

This year the tournament everybody wants to play starts on July 8. There will be three Day 1s and two Day 2s and you’ll be playing five levels per day to start with – as long as you last. Specs:

Qui NGuyen HU 2

You know you want this.

  • Buy-in: $10,000
  • Starting stack: 50,000 chips
  • 1st blind level: 75/150
  • Level time: 120 min

Last year Qui Nguyen lasted the longest and turned his buy-in into $8 million in early November. However, you won’t have to wait that long this summer as the November Nine concept has been scrapped and the tournament will play all the way to the end in July.

If at the end of July 16 you’re still in the tournament, it means you have played seven days straight and made the final table – the one table every player wants to sit at.

Instead of a three month hiatus this year the main event will only see a three-day break so the players can get their rails together and TV gets some time to build a buzz. ESPN will broadcast the whole final table live on national television.

Does this sound like a poker event you’d like to visit? We thought so. If you don’t have an 888poker account yet, it only takes a couple of minutes. Go to the 888poker review page and access our exclusive $888 sign-up bonus.