Archive: Live Blog – Page №98
Schuurbiers on a Small Rollercoaster October 28, 2022
Level 10: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)Entries: 160/321 Wouter Schuurbiers was north of 100,000 but was down to a starting stack shortly after losing some chips with ace-ten against fives with top two…
Swift Spin-Up Begins October 28, 2022
Level 9: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)Entries: 171/318 We noticed Katie Swift was down to about 20,000 in chips. “Oh no,” we said to our friend before we asked what happened. Swift shared…
Lipari Triples with Rockets October 28, 2022
Level 9: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)Entries: 177/321 There was a three-way all-in on Table 4 with Davide Lipari having his last 39,500 committed, Mario Manara having his last 50,000 in the pot,…
321 Day 1c Entries October 28, 2022
Level 9: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)Entries: 194/321 The break is over and players are back in their seats. Late registration is now closed for the Day 1c flight. The field attracted 321…
Break Time October 28, 2022
Players are now on a short break.
Schuurbiers Triples Up October 28, 2022
Level 8: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 197/318 Wouter Schuurbiers opened for 2,500 from under the gun. Alessandro Barone and Igor Melger both called from middle position before Karmel Tierra, who had a…
“Is My Raise OK?” October 28, 2022
Level 8: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 205/318 A player opened from under the gun before Sasa Radosevic three-bet shoved for 8,200 from one seat over. Samuel Dray four-bet from middle position to…
More Day 1c Photos October 28, 2022
Klat Completes his Flush Draw to Oust Messina October 28, 2022
Level 8: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 211/313 The blinds have moved onto Level 8. This means it is the final level of late registration for the Day 1c field of the MPF…
Cowboys for Spadola October 28, 2022
Level 7: 500/1,000 (1,000)Entries: 217/309 Salvatore Spadola fired out for 17,500 into a pot of around double this amount with the 3 2 6 Q 10 on the board. Antonio…
Arnsby on the Comeback Trail October 28, 2022
Level 7: 500/1,000 (1,000)Entries: 219/306 Kat Arnsby was low on chips the last time we checked. She shared that just before the dinner break she ran her ten big blinds…
Day 1c Field Grows Beyond 300 Entries October 28, 2022
Level 7: 500/1,000 (1,000)Entries: 226/304 Players are back from dinner break. During the dinner break, the field grew beyond 300 entries.
Various Big Stacks at Break October 28, 2022
PlayerChipsBig BlindsLuca Iannizzotto265,000265Stefan Alvetjarn230,000230Deividas Butnoras190,000190Florian Dubrawski180,000180Robert Hertz180,000180Daniel De Aquino170,000170Andrew Cutajar160,000160Fabio Aprile160,000160Jorgen Schjetne160,000160Francesco Aru130,000130Rodolphe Gauthier128,000128Birger Strand125,000125Orazio Pellegrino125,000125Jeff Cannon125,000125Sylvere Paillot120,000120Henriques Pereira120,000120Oliver Said120,000120Martyn Frey115,000115Alessandro Barone115,000115Robert Rohr110,000110Alessandro Santini110,000110Cornelis Vreugdenhill110,000110Soner Vanelderen105,000105Nicko Christensen105,000105Viktor Kambov105,000105Torrisi Illuminato100,000100Albert Coppens100,000100Clement…
Enjoy Some Day 1c Photos While on Dinner Break October 28, 2022
Dinner Break October 28, 2022
Players are on a 75-minute dinner break. Blinds will increase to 500/1,000 with a big blind ante of 1,000 when the action resumes.
Dempsey’s Two Pair not Good Enough October 28, 2022
Level 6: 400/800 (800)Entries: 230/290 Cornelis Vrugdenhill checked the 5 A Q flop before Shane Dempsey fired out for 4,200 into a pot of around 7,000. Vrugdenhill raised to 12,500…