Archive: Live Blog – Page №74
They are dropping like flies here at Day 2 of the Main Event February 18, 2023
Level 16: 20,000/40,000 (40,000)Entries: 67/609Average: 1,820,000 We already lost 24 players today, which is a fair amount when looking at the 30-minute blind levels and the big stacks all around.…
Another one bites the bust February 18, 2023
We spoke briefly to Simon Wilson, a very genuine and relaxed player from Ireland. He was already with The Festival Series at Brastislava, where he won a side event and…
81 players left – Playing down to Final Table today! February 18, 2023
Anders WattengardBUSTED Dimitrys MelessBUSTED Ian VertefeuilleBUSTED Espen BaastoBUSTED Maz MaszlagBUSTED Michael SkeldonBUSTED Simon WilsonBUSTED Callum HighleyBUSTED Oskar OjaveerBUSTED
Manns busts Skeldon early on Day 2 February 18, 2023
Sascha Manns, a german poker-pro, busts Skeldon early on the day. All we saw was [Ax][Qx] taking down the pot with two pair. He added some nice chips to his…
We are 10 minutes away to Kick Off Day 2 of Main Event of The Festival Series February 18, 2023
As players, we often not realize enough how much work is involved in events as such. The floor managers of the pokerpit and staff who are running around all day,…
Seat Draw February 18, 2023
CountryPlayer No.Chips TableSeatInc.ISSA GERGES 5671.540.000111/DHOYES JAMES 73480.000121/ALEPPALAHTI TEEMU 5661.065.000131/DEPHREMSEN PAUL 5061.060.000141/DYOLMEH SAIED 1831.130.000151/BWELLINGTON CHRISTOPHER 537710.000161/DMOREL MARIUS 2891.565.000171/CWEDDE JONATAN 107910.000181/AOJAVEER OSKAR 541435.000191/DVERTEFEUILLE IAN 54790.000211/AFARRELL OLIVER 1821.265.000221/BSAMUEL ANTONIUS 4621.860.000231/CGINTAUTAS RAZMA 579880.000241/DWagstaff Mark 3991.005.000251/CMARLAND RONNIE 4271.665.000261/CHALLIDAY SHAUN 346640.000271/CVANCURA TADEAS 221.645.000281/AKALVINMAKI TUOMAS 118545.000291/ABOLTON MARC 1721.730.000311/BDUDAKOV DMITRI 792.375.000321/ACONLON NICK 5582.370.000331/DKARKKAINEN JARI TAPIO 209755.000341/BTARBOX RUSSELL 51.640.000351/CDOURAS ROBERT 606990.000361/DKESKEL MARKO 212875.000371/BPURKISS MICHAEL 1042.140.000381/AVAN DER VOORDEN…
End of day 1D – Chip Counts February 18, 2023
PositionNameChip Count1Michael Obrien4,120,0002Javed Akhtar2,770,0003Nick Conlon2,370,0004Simon Davidson1,650,0005Gerges Issa1,540,0006S O1,445,0007I M1,370,0008T L1,065,0009P E1,060,00010Daniel Schofield1,025,00011Robert Douras990,00012Bart Dil960,00013R B920,00014R G880,00015Christopher Wellington710,00016M H665,00017Oskar Ojaveer435,00018Simon Wilson425,000
Players who won’t compete at Day 2 tomorrow February 18, 2023
Vadim GercevBUSTEDAlgirdas PetronisBUSTEDJonathan McCannBUSTEDPhilip ClarkeBUSTEDTariq ImamBUSTEDHari Pekka HurriBUSTEDAllan GrahamBUSTEDDaniel PalssonBUSTED
News! February 18, 2023
Tomorrow, at Day 2 of the Main Event, the cards will be in the air at 1:00 PM CET and we will be playing down to 18 players. Who will…
chip counts February 18, 2023
It is going towards the end of the day with currently 30 players left. The blinds are sky high, so we expect still plenty of action, but players all would…
Going towards the end of turblo flight day 1D February 18, 2023
Level 15: 15,000/30,000 (30,000)Entries: 31/118Average: 760,000 We will be playing until we have 18 players left. It has been a good turn out here at the turbo edition of day…
Round of Chip Counts at Day 1D February 18, 2023
Jake O’leary1,000,000Philip Clarke1,300,000Michael O’Brien720,000Ignacio Menendez620,000Philip Roberts620,000Jonathan McCann550,000Dean Brett920,000
Day 1D is going turbo wild February 18, 2023
Just nine players were needed to reach the guaranteed prize pool of £ 200.000, but with 109 entries of which 78 are currently still in game, it can be called a…
Survivors of Day 1C – Chip Counts February 17, 2023
PlacePlayerChips1Satnam Sandhu3,045,0002Endrit Geci2,950,0003Thomas Garment2,770,0004Carlo Solazzo2,615,0005Chris Cunliffe2,500,0006Simon Griffon2,100,0007Antonius Samuel1,860,0008Luke Wilby1,825,0009Ronnie Marland1,665,00010Russell Tarbox1,640,00011Verard Anreassen1,595,00012Marius Morel1,565,00013Aki Nevalinen1,525,00014Arian Hassankashani1,300,00015Stuart Griffith1,220,00016Aaron Phillips1,180,00017Philip Sewell1,020,00018Soni Padovani1,010,00019Mark Wagstaff1,005,00020Oskar Wedde970,00021Maz Maszlag950,00022Gareth Wright820,00023John Whetton810,00024Jamie Holland795,00025Ananda Vemuri795,00026Ahmed Younes725,00027Steven Taylor705,00028Shaun Halliday640,00029Eugen Margarit610,00030Lars…
Mr Jon Kyte – A true Viking – $870K in live tournament winnings February 17, 2023
Jon Kyte is a poker pro from Norway who has already racked up over $800k in prize money playing live poker. Not only does he play live tournaments and cash…
34 players advance to Day 2 through 1C February 17, 2023
We have 34 players went on to bag for the day. We will put all the chip counts after day 1D, when we will have the whole list and counts.