Archive: Live Blog – Page №67
Players enjoy Dinner break September 5, 2023
A great gesture of Banco Casino and Coolbet is that every break there is a possibility to make use of a buffet. During this dinner break, we collected the biggest…
Deepstack History during Coolbet Open September 5, 2023
The Deepstack tournament is already party of the Coolbet Open since the first ever live series. This week, the Deepstack tournament is carrying for the first time the PokerListings name.…
Asle Blømaker in the mix September 5, 2023
Asle Blømaker, a Norwegian poker player who became 3rd yesterday in the Coolbet Open Warm-Up event for €1,535, has been sitting calmly in the PokerListings Deepstack so far. Are we…
Coming to Bratislava? This is what you need to know September 5, 2023
Are you coming to visit the Coolbet Open at the Banco Casino in Bratislava, Slovakia? Then for sure you are curious about things like the weather, the poker tournaments, hospitality…
First break of the Day September 5, 2023
Name: PokerListings Deepstack Level 5: 400/800/800 Players 79/88 It is being promised to be a long day today at the Banco Casino. Currently, there are 79 out of 88 entrants…
Poker Strategy: What would you do? September 5, 2023
You come in a spot early in the tournament and you opened up the action with A Q , knowing you are playing starting stack of 50,000 chips. With the…
Chip Counts September 5, 2023
Around the block here at the PokerListings deepstack, during the Coolbet Open. Of course, many Norwegians are competing in this event, but to give you a bit of an insight…
Coolbet Lounge open for Backgammon Fans September 5, 2023
You are planning to late reg the PokerListings Deepstack or one of the satellites running today? Backgammon fans are welcome in the Coolbet Lounge for some friendly matches!
PokerListings Deepstack Starting Soon (17:00 CET) September 5, 2023
The €225 PokerListings Deepstack will start at 17:00 CET. Currently, already 18 people registered and the queue at the cash desk is a fact. The PokerListings Deepstack is definitely a…
Satellite to The Festival Series Bratislava – Overlay Alert September 5, 2023
At the Coolbet Open there are two satellites scheduled for The Festival Series in Bratislava later this year. There are still 40 minutes left to enter the tournament and with…
Day 2 of Coolbet Open about to kick off September 5, 2023
We are on the second day of the Coolbet Open here at the Banco Casino in Bratislava. Yesterday, we already had seen a great amount of entries during the Coolbet…
Welcome to the Live Blog of the Coolbet Open 2023! September 2, 2023
Here at the Banco Casino in the electric capital (poker) city of Slovakia called Bratislava, the 6th annual edition of the Coolbet Open will take place. Never before there was…
Welcome to Coolbet Open Bratislava Live Blog September 1, 2023
The Coolbet Open 2023 in Bratislava takes place 4th to 10th September at Banco Casino in the beautiful capital of Slovakia. PokerListings blogger Melvin Schroen will live report from the…
Hyvää yötä! July 25, 2023
Päivä on ollut pitkä, mutta mielenkiintoinen. Huomenna aloitetaan jo klo 12.00 ja seurataan ensin 555€ Championshipin tapahtumat loppuun saakka, sitten siirrytään Main Eventin kimppuun, kun sen päivä 1A alkaa myös…
Huomisen istumajärjestys July 25, 2023
Huomisen istumajärjestys: Pöytä 11: Hendrik DiegenantHenri AntikainenRaivo PinselJuho HeiskaJevgenijs SapronenkoDmitri DudakovMaikel Homin Pöytä 12: Steven SellerJonatan ForsJanne OjalaBo BerggrenMichailas MiserkejevasSimon ForendalKim Lindström Pienen teknisen ongelman vuoksi chip countien päivitys jää…
Karmea cooleri July 25, 2023
Roope oli epäonninen Pöydän 12 viimeinen käsi oli menossa, kun viereisessä pöydässä Napel putosi. Siellä pikkupinon Edvinas Taracevius, Raivo Pinsel ja Roope Tarmi menivät all in ennen floppia. Edvinas A…